
Suspension Order Format for Employees

Please make an official letter for suspension order for employee, govt employee, federal govt employees etc.

Suspension Order for Govt Employee


HR Department.

SSS Trading Company,

ABC Road, Lahore.


Mr. Irfan Khan,


Subject: Suspension Letter from the Job

Dear Irfan,

This is to inform you that in spite of several warnings from the top management, once again you were unable to process the staff salaries on time which caused the restless among workers, and yesterday they stopped work due to the delayed salaries.

Hence, the management has suspended you from the duties for a week, and you are requested to handover the company car, and mobile phone to the office administrator immediately.

You will be informed via phone call on the exact resumption date, and you may be appointed out of the city to another project.


Best Regards,


Suspension Letter to Employee for Poor Performance

Mr. Prem Ambani,

Transport Maintenance In-charge,

Daewoo Bus Company, Mumbai

I am directed to acquaint you that your services as a transport maintenance in-charge are being held under suspension till further orders on account of your poor performance in maintenance of the company’s buses.

You also directed to report to the office of undersigned for personal hearing to probe into the above mentioned matter with written explanation in your defense within one day, and to clarify your position, in this regard. Moreover, explain why a disciplinary action should not be taken against you. If you do not report by tomorrow, the undersigned would be compelled to take one sided decision that may cause your removal from the company.

Manager Operations,

Daewoo Bus Company, Mumbai

Sample of Suspension Order for Employee

Subject: Suspension letter

It is inform you that you were hired in our firm last month, but your work is not satisfactory according to our desire. So according to our company rules we are giving you this notice that this month will be your last.



Suspension Letter from Employment after Inquiry

Mr. Mike Atherton

Finance Executive,

West ham


Dear Mr. Mike,

This is with reference to inquiry no. XXX/XX/XXX initiated on January 01, XXX against yourself.

The core purpose of the said inquiry is to probe into allegations made by your colleague about embezzlement of funds of the Company. On receiving initial results thereon, without prejudice, we are under obligation to inform you that your role as finance executive is suspended with an immediate effect.

On completion of inquiry, we will get back to you along with decision of the Jury. Your suspension would be ceased off in case the honorable Jury discharges allegations imposed on you otherwise you would be liable to payoff embezzled funds.

Very truly yours,

Alan Taylor

Head of Legal Affairs

ABC Company

Official letter of Suspension for Disrespect to your Boss

To: Carol Jenna
Wayne, Philadelphia, United States

We are writing to inform you of a decision that was reached this morning by the board of directors. Due to your recent behavior, and disrespect towards the boss, as well as multiple reports of your attitude around the office, you are hereby suspended from Ellwood Consulting. This is non-negotiable.
You may collect your belongings from your office tomorrow.

Ellwood Consulting
Wayne, Philadelphia, United States

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