
Resignation Letter from Political Party

Sample resignation letter to submit to your political party to vacant your position, or joining other political party, or to join public office.

Resign Letter from a Political Party

Dear Sir,

I hope you are doing great in health. I am writing this letter to you so that I can inform you about the problems regarding party. I know you all were very helpful in my hard times, but the problem is that I want to resign from the party due to my work load in office, I was doing this only because I love to work for social issues, my now I have so much work to do that i cannot give time to party now to onwards. Please sir I know this will hurt you but try to understand my problem. As you know we are opposition party, and the money party gives to me is not sufficient to fulfill the requirements of my family.

So it will be so much difficult for me to continue with the team. Hope Sir you will forgive this sudden resignation. I will come on Monday to discuss some other issues too.


Youth Wing head,
Azhar Abbas

Resignation from Political Party:

To: The Republican Party of the United States of America

I, Rebecca Anderson, joined the Republican Party of America in 2013 in hopes of creating a political power that will serve the needs of the people of the United States. I envisioned a country where all people are treated equally regardless of color, religion, or income. I had hopes that all people would be given a chance at a good life. Unfortunately, this was not the case, and I can no longer stand by, and watch helplessly.

Since 2013, I have seen what the Republican Party has done for the people of the United States. Healthcare, and education are at the same point, if not even lower, that it has been since I had joined. Hundreds of thousands of people are in debt because they cannot afford the continually rising healthcare costs, and cannot afford health insurance.

This is not the job that I had signed up for. I signed up for this job in order to meet the needs of the middle class, and underprivileged immigrants of the United States. I made a promise to serve my country, and I have regretfully broken that promise.

Therefore, for the reasons stated above, I am hereby resigning from the Republican Party effective October 1st, (Date).   I wish everyone, and my former Members of Parliament the best in the future, and hope that they can help change this country for the better.


Rebecca Anderson

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