
Request Letter for Final Payment of Pending Salary

Sample letter requesting a pending salary of previous months from the employer. We tried to cover due, payable, not discharged, past due, overdue, delinquent, unsettled, unliquidated, outstanding salary problems for employees, teachers, etc.

Requesting for Payment of Pending Monthly Salary

Dear Sir,

My salary has not been paid for two months (mention the months or weeks here). I desperately need money. Please pay me my salary as soon as possible. So that I can fulfill my needs. I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Email Requesting for Salary Issuance

Dear Sir,

I am writing to bring to your attention that my salary for the past two months (mention the specific months) has not been disbursed. I kindly request you to investigate and resolve any potential issues causing this delay.

Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated as it affects my ability to continue fulfilling my duties effectively.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Request Letter for Release Outstanding Salary Payment

Dear Sir,

I want to request the release of my outstanding salary for two months (month names). I need funds, please look into the matter and release my salary by today as it is already delayed. I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Your name

Application Requesting Pending Salary Payment by Overseas Worker/Employee

Dear Sir,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I tendered my resignation from the job last month. However, I have not yet received my clearance, which includes my outstanding salary, commission, incentives, overtime wage, and bonus.

As I plan to return to my homeland, I am eagerly awaiting the clearance of my dues. I kindly request you to expedite the process of settling my pending dues so that I can secure my return ticket and make necessary preparations for my departure. Your timely cooperation in this matter would be of immense help to me, and I would be sincerely grateful for your understanding and support.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to a swift resolution.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Application for Pending Salary Issuance

Dear Madam,

I am writing to request the immediate issuance of my due salary for the past two months. This is urgently needed for personal/domestic reasons, and I am prepared to cooperate with any processing issues or provide any necessary documents to expedite the resolution, if required. Your understanding and prompt action on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Sincerely Yours,

(Your Name & Designation)

Writing a Query for Unpaid Salary

Dear Madam,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the status of my payable salary for the last two months (mention the specific months). I kindly request you to look into this matter and resolve it at the earliest convenience. Until today, I have not been informed of any reasons for the delay in disbursing my salary.

Your assistance in addressing this concern would be greatly appreciated, and I sincerely hope for a prompt resolution.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Application Letter for Requesting Pending Salary While Working on the Job

Dear Sir, or Madam,

I want to bring it to your notice in writing that I have not received my salary for the last two months of (months & year). Despite various reminders, I am finally writing, and I hope you will immediately issue my pending salary ($12000).  I would be grateful if you could oblige me in this matter.

Sincerely Yours,

(Your Name) (Designation) (Department)

Salary Delay Complaint Letter, or Email After Increment

Dear Sir,

I am pleased to learn that I have been awarded the increment of $100 in my last month’s salary. Unfortunately, due to a delay from the accounting office, I have not yet received the previous month’s salary. You are requested to please look into the matter with keen interest, and enjoin the accounting office to transfer my salary with increment, as soon as possible.

I shall be very thankful to you.

Yours faithfully,

(Your Name)

Application for Requesting Pending Salary After Joining a New Job

Dear Sir,

I am sorry to inform you that I have not been granted the salary for the last three months despite completing my probation period in the service. I have been recruited as a computer operator in (Company Name). My appointment letter clearly mentioned that the company would start my salary after completing the probation period. So, unfortunately, I am serving without getting the salary so far, and any further delay will be appalling for my financial needs.

The irony is that I have repeatedly requested the senior management about this issue, but nobody bothered and took the pain to resolve it. Sir, I am a stranger in this city and living from hand to mouth without any income. It is pertinent to mention here that I am the breadwinner of my family.

Considering the above-mentioned circumstances, you are humbly requested that my salary for the last three months may please be issued immediately. So I can focus on my work and strive for the company’s betterment.

I shall be very thankful to you.

(Your Name & Designation)

Letter Asking for Outstanding Salary after Resignation

Company Details

Dear Sir,

My name is (Name here), and I resigned due to sickness last month. As I was diagnosed with lung disease, so I had to resign for treatment.

As an employee, I worked in your firm for two years from (Date)-(Date). After my resignation, I hoped to receive my outstanding salary immediately, but that never happened, and two months passed.

I am writing this email to request that you please pay my remaining salary. I am going through a rough patch, and I need that money. Please issue the salary as soon as possible, and end this journey on an excellent note. My resignation letter is attached along with my application.

(Your Name)

Request Letter by Teacher to Demand Unsettled Salary from School Principal After Resignation

Dear Principal,

I (Your Name), have recently resigned from your school. As per your commitment, you need to pay my pending salary and clear all my dues in a month.

Two months are over, and you should clear my salary now. I have served the notice period and followed SOPs. I hope that you will clear my payment instantly. I will be thankful to you.


(Your Name)

Reminder Letter to Manager for Due Salary After Resignation

Dear Sir,

I am a former employee of your firm. Two months back, I came across the opportunity of moving abroad along with my family. After serving my resignation notice period, I left the job. But three months are over now. I have still been waiting for my salary to be paid by your accounts department. I have a flight two weeks from now, and I urgently need my due salary for expenses.

I am shedding light on this issue before you. I have been an honest employee of your company during my stay. Please take the necessary action as soon as possible to get my due salary before I move abroad.


(Your Name)

Request Email Letter for Salary Not Yet Credited in Employee Account

Dear Company Director,

I am writing to you because I would like to discuss why my salary for this month has not been credited into my account. This has happened a few times, and quite frankly, this is getting to be annoying as it is only happening to me. I have given you all the correct details three times in the past.

I don’t know what happened to get this wrong. Please sort this out as quickly as possible as I have utility bills to pay and a family to provide for. I hope that you will sort out this problem asap. I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

(Your Name)

Mail to HR for Salary not Credited to Employee

Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to seek your help. My salary for the month of (Enter Month Here) has not been credited to my account, and we’re already 15 days through this month. I also have attended my full working hours.

However, even after waiting and checking twice for my salary, it hasn’t been credited. Kindly pass the word to credit my salary as soon as possible. I will greatly appreciate your action.

Faithfully Yours,
(Your Name)

Request Letter Asking for Accumulated Salary Not Paid to Many Employees

Dear Madam,

I am writing to discuss that the company had not paid the accumulated salary to some employees. The payment company owes becoming a big figure, and you need to start paying it before more of your employees start to complain.

This letter is just an informal way of telling you that you need to take action with this situation. This money is rightfully your employee’s hard work. I do hope that you will take action and get this situation sorted out soon. Many thanks for taking the time to read this.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Name)

Letter of Complaint about My Salary not being Credited to My Bank Account, and Now Next Month is also Ending

Dear Sir,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention the concerning matter of my overdue salary, which has not been credited to my account. As it is already the 27th of (mention the current month), nearing the end of the next month, I have yet to receive my salary for the previous month.

I have made multiple attempts to address this issue by sending three emails to the accountant, but unfortunately, I haven’t received any response. Therefore, I am reaching out to you in the hope that you can help me resolve the reason behind the delay and why my salary has been blocked by the department.

Given the urgency of my financial situation, I sincerely request that my outstanding salary be issued immediately. Your cooperation in resolving this matter promptly would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


(Your Name)

Pending Salary Demand Letter by Teacher to School Principal/Headmaster

Dear Sir,

I am writing to bring to your attention the concerning matter that I have not received my salary for the past two months. As a primary teacher at the school for the last two years, this situation has caused significant inconvenience and financial strain. I had also applied for resolution of this issue last month, but it remains unresolved.

Due to the non-payment of my salary, a considerable amount of my work has been left pending, adversely affecting my responsibilities and duties. Therefore, I kindly request the immediate issuance of my outstanding salary this month to alleviate the difficulties I am facing.

If necessary, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss this matter further. Your support and attention to this issue would be immensely helpful and highly valued.

Thank you for your consideration.



Application for Outstanding Salary to be Paid Because of Similar Employee Name Issues

Dear Sir,

I am writing because I would like to take notice of my outstanding salary for May and June. My two monthly salaries are overdue. There has been some mix-up between my salary and someone else’s because of name clashes in the last two months.

I have been working with you now for ten years. I have been to the same school, and I love it here, and I have never had a problem like this in the past. I hope that you will understand my situation and look into the issue.

I would like you to sort this out, and pay my salary. I have to support my family.

Kind regards,

(Your Name)

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