
My First and True Love Story

This is the tale of my very first encounter with love, and I hope you find this short narrative enjoyable. Back then, I was a young college student, and it all began when I saw a fashionably dressed girl who captured my attention. My heart felt an inexplicable attraction towards her, and after every college session, a tinge of sadness would linger. Yet, every morning seemed to transform into a splendid day.

Over time, she noticed me, even though she was pursuing her master’s degree while I had just entered college. Just as I confided in my friends, she shared her feelings with hers. In those days, mobile phones were not yet prevalent, so catching glimpses of each other became our cherished pastime, filling us with delight. Neither of us ever missed a day at college.

One fateful day, I fell ill with a fever and couldn’t make it to college. To my surprise, she decided to wait and see where I was. My friends relayed this information to me, but I couldn’t muster the strength to leave my hostel. However, in the evening, a friend came to me with the news that she was still at college with her friend and was now standing outside the hostel building. I felt a slight improvement in my health and decided to venture outside. When she saw me, she nudged her friend to look at me, confirming my presence. She smiled and left the college moments later. It was then that I realized that this was not a one-sided love; she had feelings for me as well. This realization sent my love soaring to new heights, and I noticed that she became even more radiant and cheerful, never once missing a day of college.

However, a change occurred in our college schedule, with our break times no longer aligning due to management adjustments. Inter-class breaks were scheduled from 10:30 to 11:00, while master classes had theirs from 11:00 to 11:30. She stopped attending her class during the 10:30 to 11:00 slot because she was accustomed to seeing me. Time passed, and she attempted to talk to me several times, but it became increasingly difficult as many of our friends knew our story. Exams soon approached, and we both felt a sense of melancholy.

Attendance sheets were posted on the notice boards, and both of us had a perfect attendance record. She held the top spot, while I followed closely in second place for the entire college. Many of our friends circled our names and drew lines connecting them, offering us their best wishes. One day, we were searching for each other in the college cafeteria, but we couldn’t seem to find one another. When a friend noticed the situation, he pointed out that she was sitting just behind me. My heart raced uncontrollably, and I could hardly contain myself.

In the end, our exams arrived, we both passed, and she left the college, while I transferred to a different institution. She began searching for me, eventually obtaining my home number from the admission office. She called my home and asked to speak with me, but my brother didn’t inform me for several months. During that time, we exchanged letters. Later, I managed to get her home number from the admission office, but my efforts to find her proved fruitless.

This marked the conclusion of my first love story. In truth, I still carry a torch for her, and I can never forget that stunning girl, wherever she may be. My thoughts and prayers are with her. I won’t reveal our names for personal reasons. Stay blessed. True love always accompanies you, brings happiness, and motivation, and provides company in your loneliest moments. I plan to share my other love stories as well; I have a total of seven, so readers can experience and understand the depths of true love.

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