
Letter Requesting Sponsorship for Education from NGO/Spouse/Court

Sample letter requesting for sponsorship by authority. These sample letters can be used by anyone who wants an official sponsorship letter from a close relative, who has been sponsoring him/her for their education, for his/her university admission/any single parent who is requesting an NGO for sponsor of children as spouse is refusing to sponsor them/ anyone who wants to file a complaint against former spouse for refusing to sponsor their children anymore.

Letter by a University Student Requesting Parental Uncle to Officially Sponsor his/her Education

Recipient’s name ( in this case you will write you uncle’s name),

Recipient’s Address,

Subject: Request for Official sponsorship for education

Dear Uncle XYZ,

I hope that you are in the best of your health, and spirit. I also hope that your children, and your wife are also in the best of their health as well. I write this letter to request you to please officially sponsor my education as I am need of an official statements for university admissions.

Firstly, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for paying for my siblings, and my education since the death of my father. My father’s death was a huge incident for me, and my family. We were in huge financial crises when you helped us by paying for our education.

I am in the senior year of school, and am applying for universities at this moment. Many universities require an official sponsorship letter i.e. signed by the sponsor in case the student is applying for financial aid. I cannot afford to attend any private university hence I am in urgent need of this letter in order to get any aid/scholarship.

I hope that this will not be a hassle for you. Please write a detailed letter regarding my family’s situation as well as the regular amount that you pay for me, and my siblings. Please also send me attested photocopies of your bank statement as proof. Provide me with paid fee challans as well.

Anticipating for your reply.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,


Letter by a Parent to an NGO requesting them to Sponsor his/her Child’s Education

NGO’s Name,

NGO’s Address,

Recipient’s name ( in this case you will write you uncle’s name),

Recipient’s Address,

Subject: Request for sponsorship for child’s education

Dear Sir/Madam,

I ,_____(write sender’s name), write this letter as a request for you to please provide sponsorship for the education of my two daughters. I am in urgent need of some help as I am not doing well financially.

Recently, my husband, and I got divorced due to personal reasons. The court allotted some money that he would have to pay to me for our children’s education. Unfortunately, my husband has not given me the allowance for 4 months, and we are not able to contact him, or his family. I have already filled a complain through the court, and the matter would be sorted soon.

The problem is that I am a small female clerk at a private company. My pay is not enough for both the households as well as for the education of my children. For the last 2 months I have not paid my daughter’s school fee. If I do not pay the fee for another month, both of my daughters will be kicked out of their respective schools.

I hereby, request you to provide me with a full sporsoorship for both of my daughters.

I have attached all the documents (divorce papers/ courts orders/ financial statements/salary statements) along with this letter as a proof. Please reply as soon as possible as its a matter of utter urgency

Anticipating for your reply.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,


Letter by a Parent to Court Reporting them Regarding Father’s Denial of Sponsorship of  Children

High Court,


Recipient’s name ( in this case you will write you uncle’s name),

Recipient’s Post,

Subject: Reporting Father’s Denial of Sponsoring his children.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, sender’s name along with her NIC number, want to file a report regarding my former husband refusing to sponsor our children anymore. I request you to handle this matter urgently, and warn my ex regarding this issue.

My former husband, and I filed a divorce as per mutual understanding. The court provided us with a resolution that he will pay about 60000 per month for the expenses of our children. Unfortunately, only after 3 months my former husband has refused to pay any sponsorship money all together.

We are not in a very good financial condition, and this action by my former husband is really disturbing my children’s lifestyle, and education.

Please look into this matter as soon as possible, and make sure that he pays for my children. I hope that the courts will take a strict action against him.

Anticipating for your reply.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,

Write Citizen number,

Sender’s address,



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