
Leave Application for Foreign Tour from Office/School or Special Purpose

Want to write a leave application for a foreign trip? We are giving you samples format of leave applications to ask permission from the boss or Principal for an international tour for a limited amount of time with family or friends.

Foreign Trip Leave Application for School by Students

Dear Sir,

I want to go on a foreign trip with my family. For which I need twenty-five days’ leave from school. I request you to please give me leave from (date) to (date). I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Foreign Trip Leave Application for Office

Dear Sir,

I would like to go on a trip abroad (name of the place) with my family. For which I need one month’s leave from the office. Please give me a work break from (date) to (date). I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Foreign Trip Leave Application for a Special Purpose

Dear Sir,

I want to go on a foreign trip for the purpose of (mention the purpose of your trip). For which I need fifteen days’ leave from office/school. I request you to grant me leave from (date to date). I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Leave Application for Foreign Tour for Research and Presentation

Manager HR,
Company Name,

Subject: Leave Application for Foreign Tour

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am happy that I have applied for a foreign tour to attend an international conference on modern engineering technologies and have been selected to present my research work. I am presenting about new ways of generating electricity. My research work may get published.

I had worked hard day and night and got success. Now I want to present my research work on an international level. It would be a great honor for my institute and me. So please allow me a leave of one week to present my research work.

Yours Faithfully,

Umer Farooq

Foreign Tour Leave Application Sample as Student in College/University

Dear Madam,

I am (Your Name) student of MPhil Psychology at the University of California, writing for one week’s leave starting from upcoming Monday. Actually my friends from university, including my best friend Ms. Sara Pallen going on tour next week, and I want to join them.

It is my extreme wish for many years to visit northern areas(heaven on earth), and this is the best time I could enjoy the company of my friends and best friends. I don’t think that such a cherishable movement will come again in my life, so it is the best opportunity to enjoy this tour. Therefore, I request you to please approve my leave of one week from the university.
Thanking you,

Your Name

Leave Application for Visit of USA

The Managing Director,
Telecom Company

Subject: Fortnight Leave for Visiting America

Dear Sir,

Please be informed that I have got a visiting visa for America. My tickets have been booked for (Date).  My elder brother has sponsored me for a trip to America. He has suggested I visit him during his annual one-week break from the office. Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me leave for 15 days to enjoy some family time abroad.

I am looking forward to a positive response from you.


Umar Shahzad

Leave Application for Going Abroad with Family

The Manager, HR.

Dear Sir,

My family has planned a trip to spend two weeks of the coming summer in a foreign country. The destination for our journey has not been decided yet; however, most probably it will be Switzerland as we have relatives there. It has been a long time since I spend my summer vacations abroad with my family members and relatives.

There is no need to remind you that each employee has been allowed to have fifteen days annual leaves in addition to Sundays. However, I shall be grateful to you if you could approve my leave for the first fifteen days in the next month to accompany my family on the planned trip.

Thanks a lot for your time and kind consideration.

Best Regards,

Your Name

Leave Letter for Foreign Tour for Business

The Manager
Walls Sweets Limited.

Dear Sir,

It is to inform you that I, Faizan Butt, have been working in this organization as Marketing Manager. As you know, the company is launching a new range of ice creams in the Lahore market initially.

We are in touch with different vendors in Dubai for a successful launch. A meeting has been arranged in Dubai. Therefore, I request you to grant me leave for seven days.

My flight is scheduled from Lahore to Dubai on the 20th of this month. So I need leave for 19th to 25th of this month.


Faizan Butt

Leave Application for Foreign Trip

Dear Sir,

With all due respect, my family and I have been planning a euro trip coming this (Date). I have been working days and nights for the company for past years, and I never had a chance to get enough time to visit even my relatives during this tenure. This time I am feeling very desperate to have this family trip going, and it is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me, so I don’t want to let it go without having the best out of it.

I hope you are well aware that I have been the best employee since I joined this company. So I am asking for very little in return here to approve my leave for 30 days. It is requested very humbly and positively to your good self. Kindly look into this matter with empathy, and consider my leave application for this trip.

I will be eternally grateful to you, and I hope it will not affect our previous relationship with each other, and it does not be considered negative by the company.

I am looking forward to a quick reply and positive response from your side and thanking you in anticipation of the approval of this leave application.

I am thanking you and assuring you my best professional services at all times.

With best regards and affection.

Your Name

Leave Application for International Tour.

Dear Sir,

I am writing this so that I can ask for leaves for my international tour. I am currently doing a job in an American-based company, and I have meetings in America with clients, so I need leave for four days is from (Date) To (Date).  I know doing M Phil is a great task, and the final thesis submission date is very close, But I assure you, Sir, I will submit that on the due date. So please allow me leaves; it would be a great source of pleasure for me.

I am hoping for a positive response.



Haider Chaudhry.

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