
Job Application Without Qualifications

Applying for a job you are not qualified for cover letter. When you don’t qualify for a job but you apply anyway. When you apply for a job you’re not qualified for meme. Under qualified for job interview
how to write a cover letter for a job you are not qualified for.
Not qualified for job sample letter. Interviewing for a job that i am not qualified for. Applying for a job with less experience than required.

Applying for a job you are not qualified for cover letter

can you help me with cover letter but i don’t have the qualifications for a job.

The manager

Dear Sir,

As a hardworking, and keen person, I am writing this letter to apply for a job in your company. It came to my knowledge through an advertisement in the newspaper that you require skilled recruits for this position. I have all skills, and required experience for the job. I am able to meet with deadlines, perform tasks in team, or as an individual, and adapt myself to any given situation.

Unfortunately, despite having a professional suitability for the mentioned job, I do not own a proper qualification as demanded in the advertisement. Therefore, I humbly request for a chance to prove my capability in person. I am sure I can convince you of my skills, and change your mind about the required qualifications, because I know as much as anyone with that qualification would.

I am looking forward to an interview as that is the only way for me to present you with my talents. I will call soon to inquire about status of my candidacy.

Yours obediently,


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