Letter for chief guest. The simplest method for writing a letter for the chief guest or guest of honor is to follow these steps. Here are the following steps to write a letter to the chief guest.
Mr. Faraday Brown
Florida, USA
I have to inform you about the mega event that our university is hosting with due respect. We are proud to be the university with the highest number of graduates working at your company. As you know, along with studies, students need to see and learn from a living inspiration. It is motivating for them, but it also helps them realize where hard work would take them.
For this purpose, we are hosting an innovation seminar that would give the students a chance to show their talent and knowledge. Therefore, we would like to have you as the chief guest because you have achieved so much with your learning power and the fact that you graduated from this prestigious university.
Kindly accept this letter as an invitation to the seminar. We have attached the invitation card with it as well, which concludes all the required information. Thank you for your kind attitude.
Mr. David Arthur
Dean, Aerotech University
Florida, USA
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