
Essay on Education

Format of essay to write on the topic of education. Education is what changes people’s lives. It is the only way to make your life better , its what that change societies, and shape them to be a better version of themselves.

Sample Essay on Importance of Education

Education is not only confined to the books that you read at educational institutes, it is much more than that; education comprises of everything that you do in life, and it covers all the aspects. If you are an educated person you will have manners, and your behavior determines your level of education; it is reflected in how you treat others around you. Main purpose of education is to make you humble, and dignified.

There are different functions that are performed by education, as Bertrand Russell remarks, “Education has, broadly, two main objects first to impart certain skills, from reading and writing upwards;, and secondly make people fit to be citizens. But the second is conceived very differently under different kind of systems.” Education gives you an exposure of life, and teaches you how to be a sensible and responsible citizen of the country. If you are, and educated person, and you still do not follow the rules; such as traffic rules, we see many people breaking traffic rules because they are in a rush which causes many unfortunate accidents, and innocent people lose their life; this happens due to lack of education, you need to follow the laws in order to call yourself an educated person.

Moreover, another crucial aspect is about the kind of education that is being given at schools. These days education is one of the biggest businesses in the world, schools are paying more focus on the amount of money that they can make instead of paying attention on the quality of education that they are providing. Many students who are incapable to pass out there grade are given extra favors due to involvement of their parents who do not let their child fail because they have an agenda of paying high fee so they don’t let an institute take any action against their child. Same is with the system of schools they want money so they do whatever the parents ask them to do, which is morally, and ethically a wrong act.

From quality one has to pay attention to the quantity as well, presently the schools that are running are pressure-rising their students to choose all the subjects which are mostly contrary to their interests which results in lack of their attention; if a student does not like what he studies he loses his focus, and is not able to perform well. We need to change our system, and let students choose subjects apart from compulsory subjects of their own interests; it will not only help them to learn well in fact they will be able to perform well in other subjects as well.

Due to lack of resources we have two kinds of institutes one that is fully equipped which would be called an A grade school, and the other which lack resources due to financial problems which are considered as B grade schools. These divisions within the schooling system create a sense of insecurity among the students, and they are not able to get the kind of education that is a right of every student. These distinctions need to be removed for a better quality of education.

As aforementioned, if the role of education is properly served the students which is the future of world can turn out to be the biggest, and successful names in the world. Very strong and influential words are written by Joseph Addison, What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul. The philosopher, the saint, the hero, the wise, and the good, or the great, very often lie hid, and concealed in a plebeian which a proper education might have disinterred, and brought to light”; this is the role played by education, it finds out diamonds from coal mines.

Another issue that needs to be highlighted is the role of an educator, the teacher who is the main source of information for the pupils. A teacher can instill in the minds of students what no one else can do; she can place the love of knowledge, and education in the hearts of her pupils so that they can learn in a better way. A teacher is a person who influences her students the most, they look up to her. The way she treats her students leaves imprints in their heart, so a teacher needs to be very careful about her behavior, “The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.”(Ralph Waldo Emerson).

With a proper system of education and responsible attitude of teachers education can serve its purpose and enlighten the minds of many people. For a prosperous future, and a civilized society education is a must, and people seeking education should also be responsible, and sensible about their duties; together we can flourish, and reach the sky, and education gives you the wings to fly.

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