
Change of University with Change of City

This letter can be used by any student who had to change university due to financial, medical, emotional, or any other reasons. You may modify the statement according to your needs, and circumstances.

Change of University with Change of City

To ABCD University,

Address of the university


Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to take this opportunity, and introduce myself as an enthusiast who has always lived life by two sentences. 1) Love what you do, and do what you love. 2) When life gives you lemons, do not make lemonade instead use the seeds to plant a whole orchard- an entire franchise!

Ever since the time when I had only seen moving exchange rates across the trade labs, the generalized “accounting” field has enchanted me. It was my hobby, sitting on computer, and searching for related fields. However, slowly, and gradually, my hobby became my inarguable passion, and I made myself determinant about making a career in Bachelors of Accounting. I began my journey from XYZ University, Perth, Australia. I burnt my midnight oils, and it yielded me with amazing results in my College with distinctions. (documents attached)  Everything was perfect till July (Date), and then life happened. I must say.

It is beyond the scope of few words to explain my life after July but here is a glimpse of it.

Suddenly, my family went through major financial crisis. Pakistan’s economy hit the worst of all times. It was almost impossible for my family to do my July’s fee but they somehow managed. Not only this, I faced some medical issues as well, and I was sick for months. I could not sleep well. I could not study. My routine was messed up. People who were closest to me, and were my everything, passed away. I could not go back to get their last glances. I had to do job at least to survive as I couldn’t ask for the money for living expenditures apart from fees as my family’s financial condition was very humble, and that is when, I fell into depression. I was so close to achieving my dream but then suddenly it just looked like a far-fetched hope. I was used to being always emotionally, and morally being supported by my family, and not having them here was a challenge itself.  Being 18, being totally alone, away from my family, and going through all of this at once was nothing less than a death hole. Among this whole mess, I couldn’t do as good as my college. For the first time in like forever, I could not even make lemonade out of the lemons, and building an orchard felt far-fetched.My hope for a bright accountant just laid there as an unpromising promise, and hope.My everything at once, fell apart.

I had to suffer a lot financially, emotionally, and before everything, academically. My cousin brother lives in Sydney, and he helped me a lot emotionally to summon up my courage and deal with everything, and to not give up. For me, emotional, and moral support means a lot. That is the major reason, I moved to Sydney. Now, I am more determined than ever to pursue my dreams. I am physically, medically and mentally better now. I was naïve, and scared but now, I am determined and fearless. It is hard to accept that this boy is me, but this is who I need to be now. I don’t mind accepting the new me as long as I have the courage to do amazing once again.

One of my major reasons for coming to Sydney is that it is a home for learning, and a hub of opportunities. There is so much related to my field here that will quench my thirst for knowledge. Sydney broadens your take on life, and opens new vistas. ABC is my first preference when choosing universities because it’s brilliant in all sorts of ways, and ranked as best among the whole world. Its education system offers a wide range of courses, and degrees, and enjoys a strong global reputation for internationally respected qualifications, high quality research, and teaching, cultural diversity, and a safe study environment. ABC is the ideal multicultural environment akin to a metro Politian city where all live in harmony with tolerance. More than a university, ABC is a platform. A chance to be the best.

Taking everything into consideration, I totally realize that the inaccurate statements may cause my offer application refusal. Thank you for taking out precious time for reading. I am hoping for you to understand, and send back a positive response. Grateful in Advance.

Best regards,


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