
Application For Considering My Fee By Bank Draft

Application requesting the payment of tuition fee in the form of bank draft rather than in cash.

Application For Payment of Fee By Bank Draft


The principal

Dear Sir,

With due reverence, I beg to say that I want to pay my by Bank Draft instead of direct cash. Due to school fee regulations payment of this is preferred in cash. These regulations do not allow me to submit my fee by bank draft without your permission.

Due to some personal problems, I am unable to pay my free in cash this year. However, I can arrange a bank draft. Please allow me to pay my fee by bank draft.

I shall be very thankful to you for this favor.

Yours obediently,


Application For Considering My Fee By Bank Draft

Dear Madam,

This application is to request acceptance of a bank draft as my fee. As my father usually remains out of the city it is easy to send a bank draft for my fee than cash. This saves both of us from carrying huge amount of cash, and from its theft. So I request to accept my college fee in the form of bank draft to facilitate me for payment of the fee within its due date.

Sammar Khan

Class 2nd Year

Letter of Payment by Bank Draft

Respected Principal,

With due respect I want to say that I have recently got admission in your college in 9th grade. My name is Ellen, and I am from San Francisco. It has come to my attention that the date for submission of annual dues has been announced. Sir as I am not from this city so it is not possible for me to submit the annual fee via cash. Also at the time of departure I didn’t know that the fee has to be submitted in cash so I had my father brought me with a bank draft of the fee prescribed in the prospectus. As you know sir that tie dead line of the fee submission is close, and I don’t have anyone at home to send me such amount of cash in transfer, you are kindly requested to allow me to submit my fee through bank draft. Granting this will help me in continuing my study further.

I hope that you will allow me to submit my fee in form of bank draft, keeping in consideration my problems. I shall be very thankful to you for this kind favor.

Yours truly,


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