
Write a Letter to Your Mother Who is Worried About Your Health

Letter informing about your health to your mother, father, family, and other relatives like brothers, wife, husband, friends, or uncle etc.

Letter to Mother Who Is Worried About Your Health

Dear Mom,

How are you, and how is Dad? I hope all is good with you. I know you love me so much, and worried about me but my lovely Mom I am perfectly alright now. It was a normal fever because of change in weather. I am taking good care of myself Mom, and I do not want you to get stressed, or worried that much. I will send you my latest pictures so you can see I am really fine now. I am happy, and thank God that I have got a Mom like you.

I am planning to get time, and visit you next month; it would help to finish your worry about my health. Please Mom takes care of you, and prays for everything. Worry less, and pray more should be our faith. OK mom I have to go to bed as it is late now, and early morning I have to get ready for studies.

Here are some pictures you may see. I will be waiting for your reply. I love you mom.

Have a nice day, and keep praying for me as well.

Your son,


Letter to Mother about Health

96-C, (Address),

Dearest Mum,

I wanted to write to you earlier but due to excessive work load, and tiring job hours I wasn’t able to save even a few peaceful minutes to write to you in peace.  Before you ask me anything first write in detail to me about how are you feeling now after taking a proper diet plan, and workouts?

Please don’t be angry at me, as i was also not feeling well last week. I had some stomach issue along with fatigue, and temperature. But now I am perfectly fine, and physically fit. I did pay a visit to the doctor, and followed the prescription.  Sorry I did not want to stress you so I kept you uninformed. I know mummy you are 24/7 worried about my health especially after gastroenteritis.

I again ensure you about my health, and well-being now.

Love you loads! Last but not the least I will be paying a visit home soon.

With Deep love,

Your Chubby Baby

Letter to Mother About Your Health

Dear Mother,

First tell me how are you feeling now? Are you taking all the medicines that Uncle Ali has prescribed? I have received letters from you, and father who was telling me that you are very worrying about my health. Sorry for not writing you earlier as I was very busy with the assignments, and presentations because our semester is going to end soon.

Actually I was suffering from flu, and cough than with the high fever due to my own negligence. I ate ice cream twice in a day which causes me flu, and cough. You don’t need to worry about me as I am recovered now, and had my medicines on time. My roommates took good care of me, and helped me doing my assignments too.

Furthermore I am feeling grateful after writing this to you as I was feeling incomplete, and I hope it’ll find you hale, and hearty. Take good care of yourself, and say salaam to all at home. I miss you all.

Yours sincerely,


Letter to Your Mother About Your Health

Dear Mama,

Hope you, and all are doing well in health. I’m good too. I’ve received your letter yesterday, and find out that you are so much worried about my health, mama, I know you are worried that whether I’m eating properly, or not I’m fine here, and I’m taking my three meals of the day. The cook here cooks delicious food don’t worry. Take a good care of yourself, and please stop worrying about me.

Love you.

Yours sincerely,

Anna Paul

Letter to Mother About Your Health

Johar Town, Lahore.

Beloved Mother,

I couldn’t write to you earlier as I was busy in my 2nd term examination. Now that I have got relief, and finally the papers are over, I had back of mind to reply you at the earliest. I am now quiet better; yes I know brother informed you about my prevailing headache, and stomach disorder, though I requested him not to tell you as you become so worried about my health. I realize mother, you must be a bit angry over me for not informing you myself but you know that I can’t even see you in worry. Your B.P shoots up then.

I am now taking complete rest from last 2 days, totally relaxing. I also went to campus doctor for medical checkup; he has prescribed some medicines, which I purchased from the near pharmacy.

After these assurances hopefully you will be satisfied. Very important to bring to your notice is that some network coverage issues in prevailing in this area so my mobile is not reachable. Please don’t be worried. I will during this duration keep on writing in mail to update you about my health, and wellbeing.

Ok mama, I will write to you again, and pay may salaam to all at home. I miss you all!

Your Loving Daughter,

Madeeha Yaseen

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