
What are Some of the Causes of Child Labor?

Sample causes of child labor in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other third world countries Where child labor happening in the world today. Solutions of child labor.

Write a Letter Telling the Causes of Child Labour in our Community

Dear sir,

On behalf of child education foundation, I request you to pay attention to the ever-increasing child labour in our community. Whether you go to industry, or domestic workers, or local markets, there are small children working everywhere. Most of them are from poor backgrounds whose parents could not afford their educational expenses.

Sir, we need to take care of these children as if they are provided with free education or provided educational facilities on discounted schemes, they can become a useful asset for this nation as education is the greatest tool to achieve success in any field. Today in the modern world we see 98, or 99 percent literacy rate that’s why these nations are developed, and have a healthy social communities, and norms as well.


What are Some of the Causes of Child Labor?

Child labor is one of the biggest problems in our society. The roots of this issue run very deep so we cannot say that a few things are responsible for this. In fact, there are hundreds of factors which combine, and progress, and contribute to this issue. However, these all factors are somehow linked to poverty.

Poverty is what leads the parents towards this illegal step. They cannot fulfill the basis needs of life so they get their children hired in factories, mills, etc. Unfortunately, these children are not given right wages, and the working hours are this much that their focus of education is completely diverted. Furthermore, illiteracy also has a big hand in this gruesome act. People are illiterate so they have no knowledge whatsoever of family planning which ultimately leads to limited funds for a good upbringing of children. This illiteracy also keeps them unaware of the importance of child education.

Government negligence also plays an important role in all this. Even though child labor is illegal but still no severe actions are taken against those who hire them. Also, not much attention is given to this issue by government so people tend to take it lightly. However, we should not forget who these children are. They are the future of this country. If lives of these children are ruined then backbone of our country is broken.

What are some causes of Child Labor

Forcing under-aged children to work hard, and earn bread is one of the biggest taboos of this society.  It is extremely pathetic for a nation when its little children are forced to do the work at the age when kids go to schools, and play around. The biggest reason for this is Financial Pressure. In this age of extreme inflation, and competitive economy, the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting grinded. When it becomes impossible for the elders to make both ends meet, they force their children to work hard. We see so many young kids around us working day, and night for minimum wages. Some people kidnap, and smuggle children, and make them work. They are beaten up, enslaved, harassed, and forced to do so much that their young bodies are not supposed to do.

This practice is more prevalent in underdeveloped countries of Asia, and Africa. Child labor should be considered as a criminal offense, and the Governments should make policies to provide decent jobs to people so their kids are not forced into this pit. There should be rules, regulations, and policies to make sure that the kids are going to schools, and play grounds instead of working at factories, mines, roads etc. These children are the future of this world. It is our duty to provide them all the basic requirements so they grow up to be decent, and educated people who make a healthy society. There should be strict laws against this menace. The causes for it should be dealt with, to get rid of this taboo forever

Afzal is working on this website…he is not tech-literate..please start working on Grammarly.

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