
Welcome Speech by Director in School

Welcome speech for school principal, director, or teacher after the hiring as new employee in school, or college etc.

Welcome Speech by Director

Good morning children

First of all thank you all for welcoming me into your school for the day. My name is Mr. Barry Allan, and I am a director of a very successful business called Star labs. My work includes anything to do with the human body this is called biomedical science. We help the progression of modern day medicine. Each, and every one of you has the potential to become someone great in the world, and help people if you put your mind to it, and work hard.

I was told once that i every one person can help one other person in the world then this will be a better place to live in. Education is the key to success, so keep up your good work, and work hard then you can accomplish anything.

Thank you all.

Mr. Barry Allan

Welcome Speech from Director to School

Good morning, and a very warm welcome to all the students of XYZ School. I hope you all have enjoyed an amazing summer vacations, and now it’s time to get back to our old routine with a new determination.

When I look at you I don’t see mere students I see next generation of my country, and as a director of this school I see myself as a guardian of our future it’s a responsibility that I take very seriously, and I hope you would too. Now report back to your classes, and work towards a better tomorrow.

Welcome Speech by Director to Principals

Welcome speech by Director to Principals at the beginning of a school term.

The principals, allied group of institute, LA

Respected principals,

With all respect I welcome you all to our institute; I congratulate you all to be a part of this chain. I hope that you all will give your best to take this institute to the new heights; I expect that you will not let us down, and will prove that the decision of hiring you was right for this institute; we will also try our best to serve you. We again welcome you all, wish you all the very best for coming life ahead.

Regards, Mr. Smith, Allied institute, LA

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