
Warning Letter to Teacher for not Attending Classes

This letter can be used to warn any teacher in a college or a school who has not been coming to school for almost 2-4 weeks with a permitted leave and without informing.

Warning to Teacher for Wasting Time of Students

Dear Teacher,

There have been several complaints about you. First, you either don’t come to class at all, and if you do, you don’t teach anything, but you are wasting your time and your students’ time by telling jokes.

You have been warned before, but you have not improved. So now you are given one last warning. I hope you will improve your performance. In case of a further complaint, you may be expelled from school, or your salary may be reduced.


Your name

Warning Letter to Teacher for Absent from School

Address of recipient

Dear Sir/ Madam,

With due respect, it is stated that your allowed leave period has finished. It has been three days over your leave period, and you have not yet joined the school. It is stated that please join, or else we will terminate you have to hire a substitute.

Best Regards,

The Principal

Warning Letter to Teacher for Absents without Informing

To the Teacher,

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing this letter to you with deep regret and bewilderment, and I never thought that I would write this letter to you. To my astonishment, you have been absent from school for the past two weeks. After several calls and emails that I have sent to you to get in touch over why you did not inform and just being absent, I am writing to warn you. As it is already in your knowledge that the final year exams of students are in a month, and this is such an important, critical, and sensitive time for students. This result is going to determine their university admissions.

Had it been something so urgent, you could have informed us so that we could have arranged a substitute teacher. There are so many complaints against you by the parents over your irresponsible, and not only that, you have not responded to a single email or a private text sent to you. We could have never expected this attitude from you. Your mood has already wasted a lot of students’ time.

Suppose you do not join the office by tomorrow. I am sorry to say that, but you will be suspended from the office because we can not afford such an immature and irresponsible attitude.

Best Regards,

The Principal

Name of Principal

signature of Principal

Warning Letter for Teacher Absenteeism, and not Attending Classes, Lying to the Administration.

To whom it may concern,

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to you with deep regret and bewilderment, and I never thought that I would write this letter to you. I am so surprised that how can such a professional teacher like you do this. You submitted a leave application to our school to grant you leave for about a week because, according to you, you did not feel in a condition to teach, and you were admitted to the hospital. However, two weeks have passed, and you yet have not rejoined the school.

As it is already in your knowledge that the final year exams of students are in a month, and this is such an important, critical, and sensitive time for students. This result is going to determine their university admissions.

To our astonishment, one of our staff members visited your academy to see if you were okay, and how did you feel now. And to our surprise, that person saw you perfectly fine, and you were even taking extra classes at your academy. On further inquiry, that person also revealed that you were never sick or never admitted to the hospital. Your own Academy students told our staff member that you have been punctual throughout.

We demand an immediate response from you over this lie and the whole scenario you created. If you did not want to teach anymore, you could have told us beforehand to arrange a substitute. However, you are to join by tomorrow, or else you will be terminated from school.

Best Regards,

The Principal

Name of Principal

Signature of the Principal

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