
Speech for Students on Education

Sample speech on education for school students. Speech about education is the key to success.

Speech for Students on Education

My dear fellow students, teachers, and everyone siting in this hall today, my name is ——, and I’m here today to speak on the topic “Education”.

Education is made up of the word “To educate” which means to tell, to transfer knowledge. Knowledge is a very broad, and a much scoped word when I say it. By knowledge I don’t only mean your academics, by knowledge I mean everything you need to know today including academics.

Education is not limited up to your academia but also cover every other aspect of your lives. Being good in academics doesn’t make your literate but being a good person is what makes you literate.
Education is something that everyone needs to have, the poor, and the rich, the young, and the old, the women, and the men, education is not limited to anyone, and everyone has the right to be educated, and to be told what to do, when to do.

My dear students, consider yourselves among the lucky ones if you are subject to education, if your parents can afford your education, and can handle your academic expenses, a lot of people today even in the 21st century are unable to educate their children just because how schooling, college, and academics as a whole has just become a business. It is a shame to know how some people have snatched this right from others just for the sake of making this a business.
To survive in this growing, and this competitive world, education is something that needs to be addressed, and that needs to be handled carefully.  As I mentioned before about how education is not restricted to certain things, the making of a child to a man is based upon his / her education as well, that education can be your home education too.

Home education is a field of education that is as important as your academic education, children start their education from their homes, The manners to talk, to speak, to sit, to stand, to walk, to sit on the table, the manners to eat, your posture, and everything you can think of is a part of your daily education, and is a very important aspect of your brought up. I can’t even begin on talking how important education is, what is the first question they ask you whenever, or wherever you go for a job interview? All they ask is how qualified are you? Which means how many years of education have you completed?
Today being a qualified is a thing to be proud of, being qualified means that you are better than most people out there, and you know certain things that most people don’t which indirectly makes you better than them in certain aspects of life. Being qualified is not only necessary for you to get a livelihood but is also very important in the brought up, and upbringing of your future children.

I would like to end my speech by saying that the highly educated people today are all successful, and are all assets to their countries, and it is their rightful duty to pass this gift onto others below them , to educate them, and to show them what’s it like to be educated, and how to compete in this rising age.

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