
Speech for Farewell of Internship Program

Sample farewell speech for students to deliver at the end of internship program in a social organization for special or disabled persons/students/children to describe the moments and time you spend with them and what you have to learn from them.

Internship Program Farewell Speech

Ladies and Gentlemen AOA,

Today this journey finally ends, but we all are taking some wonderful memories with us. This was my 2nd year here, and as I stepped into this institution, a wave of nostalgia hit me, sending me back when I was awarded the best intern. I felt greater responsibility rested on my shoulders; I had to prove myself better than last year. This year the people I had to work with were total strangers, but I am glad that by the end, I was able to form a bond of friendship with them due to their immense support throughout our journey together.

I want to thank a few people with whom I got a chance to work. First of all, I would like to thank Miss Fatima and Miss Ramia for their support. Second, thank you, Miss Majida; your smiling face always motivated us to work in this hot weather. Thanks, Miss Aana, for helping us in classroom activities, and thanks to all my fellow interns for being so helpful, especially Fatima and Hafsa.

Lastly, I would like to add that I did this internship for a certificate and wanted to experience life. By working with these special children, I have concluded that life is not a bed of roses. We all should learn how to smile from them, for you would never miss a face without one. Learn hard work from them, for each piece that they create is not less than a masterpiece.

As much as it breaks my heart but it is time to say adios. I am leaving with countless cherishable memories that would occupy me throughout my life. So today, when I would go through these doors for the last time, I would not be alone; I would be leaving behind some precious bonds and take with me countless cherishable memories that I would adore for the rest of my life.

Thank you.

Speech by Volunteer in a Social Organization

Dear Audience,

The AH Foundation has an illustrious background and history that has been rooted in Pakistan’s past. This distinguishing institution has stood for the past 10 years extending loyalty, generosity, and services to the common person and that considered special.

The AH Foundation aims at rehabilitating and facilitating those mentally and physically disabled. Over the 10 years, this institution has been successfully carrying out its operations.

We have come across several NGOs that have carved out prevalence among these is ‘ NEED FOR THE NEEDY’ run by students from BDC, founded by Ayza Ishaque, Shazeb Qamar, Hamza Ijaz, and Shazeb Awan. Over the summers, they have donated sums exceeding 50,000 Rs and offering their services for social betterment.

We want to state that the members of this NGO were awarded several shields and numerous certificates. To signify their relation with AH Foundation. Overall, working with ‘NEED FOR THE NEEDY’ was an inspiration and a source of hope that there are people who are willing to make a change.

Thank you.

Sample short closing ceremony speech for internees in the company during regular internship or summer internship program. This short closing statement example can be delivered by the CEO, Director, and Managers.

Short Closing Ceremony Speech

Dear All,

Personally, I am thankful for all the participants. As I said in my opening speech at the time of the Internship that you will find your time with us exciting. Today I am sure that all of you are going with great lessons and lots of cherishable memories. So again, thanks for your time, and stay with us. God bless you all.

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