
Request Letter to Senior Requesting for Approval of Funds / Resources Required for A Seminar / Renovation / Clean Up of Office

Sample request Letter to Senior requesting for approval of funds/resources required for a special/certain reason. These letters can be used by anyone who is requesting for approval of funds required for clean up of the storage department/anyone who is requesting for approval of resources for a marketing seminar/anyone who us requesting for approval of funds, and resources required for renovation, and furnishing of office.

Request Letter to Manager Requesting for Approval of Funds Required for Clean Up of Old Documents, and Files at the Office’s Storage Room.

Company’s Name,

Company’s Address,

Recipient’s Name,

Recipient’s Address,Name of the Relative Department,

Subject:Request for Approval of Payments for Clean Up of Storage Room

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect it is stated that I ,sender’s name, am the assistant manager of Operations Department. I write this letter to request you for approval of our request for funds required for clean up of our storage sector.

Recently, we have restructured our whole department forms paper work to a computer based system. After almost a time of 2 months we have successfully shifted all our data to the software online. Hence, we no longer require written/hard copies of the documents of our clients.

We need to shift our file / document storage room into a data server room for which we will have to remove all the existing paper work, and documents present in the storage room. The accumulative total of the paper is more than almost 50000 sheets. This can not be done by our company’s employees only . We will need help from a specialized cleaning /restoring service for this purpose.

Moreover, as you know all this requires a certain level of funding ,which unfortunately exceeds our departments budget. I hereby request you to approve extra funds for our department as soon as possible as this work cannot be delayed any further.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,

Sender’s Post, (this will be assistant manager in this case)

Sender’s Department , (Operations Department in this case)



Request Letter to Project Director Requesting for Approval of Required Resources for a Marketing Seminar

Company’s Name,

Company’s Address,

Recipient’s Name,

Recipient’s Address,Name of the Relative Department,

Subject:Request for Approval of Payment for Our Upcoming Marketing Seminar

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is to inform you that I , sender’s name of Logistics Department, write this letter to you requesting you to approve our resources required for the upcoming Marketing Seminar of our VISA/Admission Consultation Company.

As per the recent notice, you must have been informed about the approval of this seminar from the CEO. The seminar will be taking place in the end of this months. It is basically a marketing, and informative event that will be used to advertise, and showcase our recent achievements in order to attract more clients. It will also include certain workshops, and special guidance from constants to help those who will attend the seminar. There will be a SAT/IELTS workshop planned as well as different desks for each country where our specialized consultants will be guiding the crowd about visa, and admission requirements.

The resources we require are listed a follows:

  1. (Date) pamphlets (the design has already been sent to the CEO for approval )
  2. 500 chairs
  3. 25 desks
  4. projector
  5. 20 board marker
  6. 300 ball points
  7. etc (write the requirements of your project)

I request, on behalf of our team, you to please approve our resources as soon as possible as the seminar is in less than a month, and we will need enough time for bookings, and to make special arrangements.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,

Sender’s Post, (this will be assistant manager in this case)

Sender’s Department , (Operations Department in this case)



Request Letter to CEO Requesting for Approval of Funds, and Resources for a Renovation of Department.

Company’s Name,

Company’s Address,

Recipient’s Name,

Recipient’s Address,Name of the Relative Department,

Subject:Request for Approval of Expanses Required Funds, and Resources for Renovation of Marketing Department.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I , sender’st name , am a manager in your company, and I write this letter on behalf of the whole marketing team. I request you to approve the calculated funds as well as resources required for renovation of Our Old Department.

Our company has been in business for almost 30 years. While other departments of the company have been renovated, and furnished recently, our department is still old, and crusty. We as whole team request you to renovate our departments as well.

Most importantly, the marketing department is the most active, and rigorous part of the company. All the workers of our department work to the best of their abilities in order to benefit the company. We have made a small list of expenses, and resources that will be required for the full furnishing, and renovation of the department.

I have attached the list along wit this letter. I hope that you will give our request a second thought, and consider it.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,

Sender’s Post, (this will be manager in this case)

Sender’s Department , (Marketing Department in this case)



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