
Request Letter to Authority Requesting for a Chance to Retake Exam after Failing

Sample letter requesting for a chance to retake exams. These letters can be used by School/University/PhD students who have failed an exam due to some reason, and wish to retake it. Use these sample letters as a guide.

Request Letter to Teacher Requesting for a Chance to Retake an Exam After Failing due to Illness

School’s Name,

School’s Address,

Recipient’s Name,

(mention the post of the recipient if applicable),

Subject: _________________________.

Respected Teacher,

With due respect it is stated that I, sender’s name, am a senior at your high school. Due to some reasons I have failed one of my recent mock tests. I plead you to give me another chance to reappear in the tests so that I will be able ti improve my grade.

I am suffering from a very high fever for almost week. During my mock test, I accidentally fell asleep due to extreme fatigue. I woke up when the invigilator was collecting the exams. More than half of my paper was left unanswered. I apologies for such a mistake but I assure you that I was very sick at the moment.

As a senior ,my internal grades are very important. As these would be sent to universities, and colleges I will applying for admissions. Such a result will badly reflect my overall performance. Hence please consider my request, and allow me to retake this specific test.

I have attached my medical certificate as well as my past grades to assure you that it was just a grave mistake from my part.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,

Student’s class, and section,

Student ID,



Request Letter to Examination Committee Requesting for a Chance to Retake an Exam After Failing to reach Examination Center on time.

Examination Committee,

Examination Committee’s head office’s address ,

Recipient’s Name,

(mention the post of the recipient if applicable),

Subject: _______________________.

Respected Teacher,

I , student’s name (mention examination number/roll number as well), write this letter is extreme worry, and desperation. I recently failed to reach my examination center on time due to which I was not allowed to appear in the exam at all.

On __(mention the date of the exam), I had my ___ exam (mention the subject as well as the serial number for the exam ,if any). On my way to the examination center , my driver had an asthma attack, and we crashed into another vehicle. Fortunately the situation was not very grave but I arrived late at my center of examination. As per the policies, I was not allowed to sit in the exams.

I have attached the traffic police report of the accident as well as the hospital prescription of my driver along with this letter. I hope that you will review my case as soon as possible, and will allow me to reappear in the exam that I failed to give.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,

Examination Roll number, or ID,



Request Letter to Vice Chancellor of University Requesting for a Chance to Retake a PhD. Exam After Failing the Exam.

Vice Chancellor,

Name of the recipient,

University’s Name ,

University’s Address ,

Subject: _______________________.

Respected Teacher,

I , student’s name (mention student ID), am a Phd. student at your University. Recently, I failed my main course exam due to some unforeseen reasons, and I plead you to let me reappear in the course exam so that I can improve my grade, and complete my PhD on time.

My family background is very unprivileged. All my life I have studied using scholarships, financial aids, and students loans. My father recently retired from his government job, and his pension is unfortunately not enough for the whole family. I need to complete my education as soon as possible in order to provide for my family.

If I am not given a chance to reappear in the course exam I will have to spend one more semester in the University. My financial aid does not apply to extra semesters. I do not wish to be a burden to my family anymore. I hope that you will understand my critical situation, and grant me a chance of retaking my exam.

I shall be forever grateful to you if you give me this chance. Hoping for a positive response from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,

Student ID,



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