
Request for Opening a Canteen

Permission letter to open a canteen. Letter to principal regarding canteen. Application for school canteen. Application for canteen in the college. Application for canteen contract. letter to principal for canteen.

Application Set Up a School Canteen

Dear Sir,

We have been working under your supervision for a period of 2 years now. Recently, due to relocation of office premises to a more distant area from downtown we are facing difficulties to get quality food. Places nearby offer unhygienic food in a rather dirty environment which is deteriorating our health, and is also very expensive, and unaffordable in our salary.

Kindly, provide us with a canteen in the office premises to enable us eat healthy. It would also contribute positively to the overall work environment of the organization because sound bodies have sound brains, and good brains are a key in the development of an organization.

We hope that you will consider our request seriously.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Your Employees.

Request letter for Opening a Canteen

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to you because I would like to put in a request at the local council. I am a store owner of a clothes shop in a small village. I would like to request to open a canteen next door to my shop. This will give the villagers a nice local place to get together, and have tea, or coffee this includes the elderly. It gives them the chance to get out their homes, and have somewhere to go. There will also be a corner especially made for the children so they can play safely.

This would be a good addition to the village it will give people the chance to talk freely, and have lunch, or dinner. Also it will get the younger kids off the street so they have somewhere to hang out, and have a smaller chance of not getting into trouble. I hope that you can grant me permission to do this as it would mean a lot to this small community.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Sysco Ramone

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