
Request for Additional Staff Templates

Want to write a request for additional staff for your office, factory, project, branch, or franchise? We will be adding best example letters, applications, and email templates to ask for additional staff required by you, your office, department, or company. Please let us know if you need a new or custom letter for your needs.

You can also hire staff from online job portals and freelancing websites as per your office and work needs. There are numerous websites proposing these courtesies, and you can fetch all of them at competitive fees.

Request for Additional Sales Staff

Requested Sir,

I request you provide us with more sales staff because our team is struggling to meet current sales demands. So customers may have a poor experience. I request you to please provide us with five new sales staff. I will be very grateful to you.

Thank You,

(Your Name)

Request for Additional Staff for Store

Requested Sir,

I request you to provide us with the additional store staff. Because seasonally sales are increasing and we have lack of staff. Additional staff might provide customers with finer prevalent support and incident. Some of the customers also have service complaints. I want to ensure my team can qualitatively handle all customers.

Thank You,

(Your Store Name)

Request For Additional Reception Staff

Respected Sir,

I respectfully request you to provide us with two additional reception staff. Over the past infrequent months, our customer audience has grown by 40%. And to maintain this, we require more additional reception staff. That will help my team to handle the daily volume of visitations and improve customer experience.

Thank You,

(Your Office Name)

Request for Additional Marketing Staff

Respected Sir,

I request you to please provide me with four additional marketing staff members on the customer service team. We need more staff to help the team better address customer concerns promptly. We have less marketing staff that cannot endure the customers properly. Auxiliary staff will help us to manage the customers.

Thank You,

(Your Company Name),

Request for Additional Teaching Staff

Subject: Request for Additional Teaching Staff

Respected Sir,

I request you provide us with an additional teaching staff because we encounter predicaments in (class name). I teach in (department name). I want to inform you that the number of students has expanded in (class name). And the quantity of teachers is inadequate. I request you to provide us with three additional teachers. I will be grateful to you for this.

Thank you,

(Your Name)

(Your Department Name)

Request for Additional Cleaning Staff

Subject: Request for Additional Cleaning Staff

Respected HR,

I respectfully solicit you to please equip me with additional cleaning staff in my office. I have an inadequate cleaning staff who cannot manage the cleaning and dusting of doors, windows, and foundations. I request you equip me with the new supplemental staff so the cleaning workload will diminish and can be accomplished adequately in the office. I will be thankful to you for this.

Thank You,

(Your Name)

Request for Additional Helping Staff

Subject: Request for Additional Helping Staff

Respected Sir,

I want to request that I ought additionally assist staff in (Department Name) because we remain understaffed, and weekend sales have descended at our (Store Name).to improve our sales please provide us with the ten helping staff. I will be appreciative to you.

Thank You,

(Your Name, Store Name)

Request for Additional Medical Staff

Requested Sir,

Regarding our previous discussions about the increasing number of patients at our medical center. I want to request you, please allocate additional staff as per the following requirements:

I will be grateful for your cooperation and staff allocation as early as possible.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Request for Additional Nursing Staff

Subject: Request for Additional Nursing staff


Respected HR,

Due to the increase in (disease Name) patients in our hospital, I am requesting for additional nursing staff at (Hospital Name). I feel that insufficient staff cannot be handled the patience accurately. In the meantime, please provide additional staff to properly treat the patient.

Thank You,

(Your Name, Address)

Request for Additional Branch/Franchise Staff

Subject: Request Letter for Additional Staff for Branch/Franchise

Respected HR,

With due estimation, I am writing this letter to you requesting supplementary staff for my franchise. Because the workload is increasing day by day. Insufficiency of manpower is preventing us from accomplishing our goals. I would like to hire new staff to cover our dearth of work. Please provide me with the new staff. I will be thankful to you.

Thank You,

(Your Franchise Name, Address)

Request for Additional Laborers on Site

Subject: Request for Additional Laborers

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I would like to request additional laborers at the worksite because the completion date is coming nearer, and work has not been completed yet. I request you to provide me with the new ten laborers to complete the work on time.

I hope you will concentrate on my request. I will be very grateful to you.

Thank You,

(Your Name)

Request for Additional Skilled Staff

Subject: Request for Additional Skilled Staff

Respected Sir,

I am writing you this letter with due estimation, that I need seven new skilled employees to improve my teamwork. As the team is feeling perils while dealing with so many customers.

I want to make sure my team can quantitatively intercommunicate with the patrons. I will be appreciative to you.

Thank You,

(Your Company Name, Address)

Request for Additional Supervisor

Respected Sir,

I want to request you that in our factory we need an additional supervisor staff. Because we have an inadequacy of staff, more supervisor staff will provide us with support to execute our overall performance, and we might achieve our goals.

Thank You,

(Your Name)

Request for additional Operator

Subject: Request for Additional Operator

Respected Sir,

I request you equip me with additional operators who can operate our strategies and team in the proper manner. In the last infrequent weeks, we have been endeavoring to fetch our work on a large scale. Our staff and the operators are vague as to the crucial need. The workload is also increasing daily.

So please provide us with the four additional operators so we can manage our work rate. I will be grateful to you.

Thank You,

(Your Name, Address)

Request for Additional Driver

Subject: Request for Additional Driver


Respected Sir,

With due submission, I request you provide the Ten new additional drivers. As you know our company’s work mostly depends on the delivery and picking of the interests from the other companies and recently our company has started work on a large scale.

That is why please look. After on my request so that the workload with comes at a moderate rate and the deliveries could be done on time.

Thank You,

(Your Company Name, Address)

Request for Additional Security Staff

Subject: Respect for Additional Security Staff

Name, Address,

Respected Sir,

I humbly request you to that my name is (Name). And I am the resident of the (SOciety Name).
(Flate Number, House Number).

I am writing this letter to request you provide the additional security staff. Because In our society (Society Name), the presence of guards is insufficient. I request you to please provide us with 5 to 6 guards. There is an urgent need for guards because in our society ( Mention Your Problem). I will be very grateful to you.

Thank You,

Your Address,

Request for Additional Gardening Staff

Subject: Request for Additional Gardening Staff


Respected Sir,

I am writing you this letter to request that I am a resident of (Society Name).In our society, there is a need for two professional gardeners. Grasslands and trees are good for the environment, but due to nearer factories, the smoke is contaminating our society. I request you to gladden provide us the experienced gardeners who could inaugurate and conserve trees and grassland margins in our society. I will be grateful to you.

Thank You,


(Your Name, Society Name)

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