
Proposal Letter for School Events And Activities

Sample proposal letter for school activity. Example of proposal letter for event. School activity proposal sample. Sample proposal letter for school field trip.

We provided many proposal letters multiple events. If you need a new one please let us know in the comments section.

Proposal Letter for School Event

The Principal,
XYZ School.

Sir we hope that we find you in the best of your health. We are a group of entrepreneurs that decided to dedicate their lives just to see smiles on the innocent faces you call students sitting in your classrooms right now. To do what I just mentioned my team, and I visited your school today, noticed how stressed children are, and decided to do something better for them. Something that makes them smile, and laugh, and lose all of their academic stress, and be children for a day.

Sir we have come up with an event that not only aids the students but the teachers as well. I’ll tell you how we aim to do that. We have decided to host a “Play Place” event at your school where children shall be introduced to various games, and activities. Where there’ll be a Play Land for students, a place where they can just jump, and enjoy. Moreover we are hosting various games, and activities for the teachers as well so that they can take some out of their hectic routines as well.

We propose this event in collaboration with your school where the school will invest nothing; all we need are smiles on the student’s faces.

Approved proposal shall be highly appreciated.
Thanking you,
XYZ Group of Entrepreneurs

Proposal Letter for School Activity


The principal, American grammar School

Respected sir,

With all my due respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that the English club has decided to conduct a lifetime learning English course for this year’s summer camp. I will be a great initiative towards the learning of English language which will help students to get their English language test clear, and they can even easily apply for foreign universities.  This camp will not be limited to students but their siblings as well so in that way we can gather good amount of pupil. There are 5 teachers in the department who will be teaching this course. We have also made the lesson planner which you can find in the attached file. I shall be really thankful to you if you take interest in this project, and allow us to conduct this course. I shall be looking forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Sara Khan

How to Write a Proposal Letter for a School Club


The principal, Learning academy

Respected sir,

With due respect, I am writing this letter to ask for your permission to launch a new student club in our school. We have suggested the name “fun with science club” for this new club idea. As we know that every school is now following the modern curriculum, and according to that they are teaching practical work to the students from early age. It will also engage the interest of students as well as parents. In this club we will teach students day to day science learning, and experiments.  This club will be held once a week. Teachers from science department are already excited for this club. We shall be really thankful to you if you support our decision as it is in the favor for the development of the school.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Sara Alex

Head of science department

Proposal Letter for School Event

To: Principal Ralph
Danbury Public School, Oklahoma, United States

I am writing to request that the school host an event. The occasion of Diwali is coming up, which is known as the “Festival of Lights”.  Indians around the world will be celebrating this occasion.

I ask that the school hold a henna booth, and a Diwali information booth to educate students about Diwali, and to have some fun with henna designs.

Please get back to me, and let me know of any suggestions,

Gerald Adams
Danbury Public School, Oklahoma, United States

Application to arrange summer camp for class 4

Respected Principal,

With due respect, I sent this application to request you for the permission to arrange summer camp for Class 4. As you know that along with education, and academics, extracurricular, and recreational activities are also very necessary for the children mental, and physical growth.

It also makes them more confident, and gives them a chance to socialize with their peers in a different way. They get more comfortable with the activities, and challenges outside of classroom. For this purpose, I was thinking to arrange a summer camp for them in the coming vacations which will include range of activities which will focus on their skills.  I also talked to a few parents regarding this in the last parent teacher meeting to see if they were willing to allow their children to participate in it, and the response was quite positive.

I request you to consider my proposal, and you may contact me in case of any queries. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Fatima Tariq

Class Teacher of Class 4

Application to arrange summer camp for class 4

Respected Principal,

With all due respect I am writing this letter with a sincere request to please arrange a summer camp for the class 4 students. It is important that we introduce new, and creative ways to keep students engaged with academics, and also allow them to explore, and find their own creativity. With boring everyday routines, and rigorous study schedules children tend to get exhausted, and as teachers it is our duty to give their energy a boost. This summer camp will help students engage with other students, participate in fun activities, and learn something new every day. You do not need to worry about the activities since the teachers have planned them already.

I hope you will consider my suggestion, and have a summer camp arranged for the students of class 4.

Best Regards,

Bilal Ali

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