
Promotion Letter without Salary Increase

Sample promotion letter without salary increase. Promotion letter from employer to employee. Sample letter of promotion current employee.

Promotion Letter without Salary Increament

Dear Miss. Rosa Lee

I am writing to you because I would like to discuss your recent application for a promotion. You have been working with us for quite some time, and last month one of our most valued team members retired, and we had an opening for the replacement for her position.  I would like to congratulate you for being the most successful candidate out of hundreds, and getting the job. I would like to also remind you that this promotion does not come with a salary increase, and you will be working in the same building with the same people. This is to ensure that you can maintain the relationships you have with your clients, and so that you don’t have to worry about traveling. I hope that you are looking forward to starting on Monday, and I must say I do also look forward to seeing what exactly you can bring to this company with ideas, and fresh mind.

Yours sincerely

Company director Mr. John Andy

Promotion Letter without Salary Increase

The Employee,
XYZ Company.

Dear Employee,
Time, and time you have proven to be an asset to the firm, and someone whom if we lose, it would be quite costly. Respecting your efforts, and years, and years of services to the firm I am very happy to inform you that you have been promoted from being a Vice Chancellor to a Chancellor, proving your worth towards the firm, and the organization, I hope that this seat will help you polish your skills much more, and reform your work methodology.

Since, this seat holds much more responsibility than your previous one; you will be liable for the all of the firm affairs.

Moreover, I am sorry to inform you that your salary won’t be increased for now because of the financial instability the firm is facing but I assure you that your salary will be increased very soon.
I hope you will take this promotion very positively, and prove yourself once again, this time with much more responsibilities.

Best Regards,

Promotion Letter without Salary Increase

Dear Sir,

With pleasure I’m informing you that you’ve been promoted from manager to office manager, now the work load will also increasing so you’ve to work hard, and give your best as your responsibilities are also increased, but the one thing I want to inform you is that, we are not going to increase your earnings as we want to see your work first.

Best of luck!


Team HR

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