
Missed Exam Due to Illness Email

Email to the Principal or Headmaster of the school, and tell him/her the reason for missing an important exam. As exams are an essential part of a student’s life, missing them must possess a very valid reason. Below are examples of medical emergencies which made students miss exams.

Application by the Father/Parent for Missed Exams Due to Illness and Requesting Promotion.

Example 1

Dear Principal,

My child was unable to attend the school examination due to illness (covid, temperature, accident, etc.). I respectfully request your consideration in promoting him/her to the next class or providing an opportunity to take individual exams/tests. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.


[Your Name]

Example 2

Dear Principal,

I am writing to bring to your attention the unfortunate circumstances surrounding my child’s inability to appear for the school examination. As a result of illness (covid, temperature, accident, etc.), my son/daughter was unable to attend the exam as scheduled.

Under the current circumstances, I respectfully request your consideration in promoting him/her to the next class, as this unfortunate situation was beyond our control. Alternatively, I would be grateful if you could provide my child with an opportunity to take individual exams or tests to ensure that he/she is able to complete the required coursework and successfully advance to the next level.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter and thank you for your attention to this request.


[Your Name]

Missing An Exam Due To Illness

Dear Principal,

I am writing to request your consideration for the exam that I missed during the 1st term. Unfortunately, I was hospitalized due to sickness and was unable to attend the exam. If necessary, I can provide you with proof of my hospitalization.

As a student who values academic performance, I kindly request the opportunity to retake the exam or receive reasonable marks based on my class performance. Your understanding and cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and attention to my request.


[Your Name]

Unable to Attend Exam Due to Illness (Letter to Teacher or Principal)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I have been feeling very sick for the past two days and am unable to attend the ongoing exams due to my weakened condition. I am concerned that my absence from the exams may affect my promotion to the next class.

In light of this, I kindly request your assistance in finding an alternate solution that will enable me to complete the necessary coursework and ensure that I am able to advance to the next level with my peers. Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance for your understanding.


[Your Name]

Missed Exam Due to Illness Email (Detailed)

Dear Principal,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to request your kind assistance regarding my missed exam due to my recent illness.

Unfortunately, I had been suffering from a high fever and chickenpox for the last month, which prevented me from attending school and taking the exam. However, I am now fully recovered and have been advised by my doctor to resume my studies.

I would be extremely grateful if you could allow me to retake the exam that I missed. I have attached all the necessary documents, including my medical report, for your reference.

I am deeply committed to my academic performance, and I am confident that I can excel in the subject if given the opportunity. I would be very grateful for your consideration and understanding.

Thank you for your time and attention to my request.


Taha Khan Class 8 C

Missed Exam Due to Illness Email

Dear Sir,

I am writing to inform you of my unfortunate situation. My name is Nadia Johnson, and I am a student in the first semester of BSc Electrical Engineering, roll number (number). Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with typhoid, which made it impossible for me to attend my examinations.

However, I have been performing well in class and have consistently scored above average in tests, quizzes, and assignments. Therefore, I request you to allow me to take a make-up examination to avoid losing a semester’s worth of progress.

I have attached all relevant medical documents, including my hospital admission slip, doctor’s prescriptions, test results, and discharge slip. If you require any additional information, please let me know.

Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.


Mark Davidson

Missed Exam Due to Illness

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that, unfortunately, I am unable to take my Chemistry Exam on Monday, 3rd September (Date) due to an unforeseen illness. Despite being fully prepared for the exam, my health unexpectedly worsened at the last moment. Initially, I attributed my symptoms to exam nerves and pressure, but it became clear that I was experiencing the early signs of measles when I developed spots on my face on the day of the exam.

Given the highly contagious nature of this virus, I made the difficult decision to prioritize the health and wellbeing of my fellow students and opted to stay at home. As a high-performing student ranked in the top 5% of my class, I am keenly aware of the importance of maintaining a strong academic record, and I am eager to reschedule my Chemistry Exam as soon as possible.

I am attaching a medical certificate as proof of my condition and respectfully request that the exam be rescheduled to a later date. As I am preparing for my university applications, I understand the crucial role that mock examinations play in my academic success, and I am deeply committed to taking this exam as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.

Best regards,

Fatima Amir

Missed Exam Due to Fever Email

Dear Sir,

I am writing to inform you of my unfortunate recent diagnosis of typhoid and subsequent hospitalization. As my doctors have advised me that I will need to remain in the hospital for at least two weeks until my condition stabilizes, I regret to inform you that I was unable to take my History exam as scheduled.

Given the severity of my illness and the impact it has had on my ability to prepare for and take the exam, I am hoping for your understanding and consideration in granting me another opportunity to take the exam once I have fully recovered.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could acknowledge my situation and grant me an exemption from the missed exam.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Bilal Ali

Missed Exam Due to Illness (Response by Teacher)

Dear Zainab Siddiqui,

Thank you for your email. I am sorry to hear about your illness, and I hope you are feeling better now. I appreciate you informing me about your situation and providing medical certificates as evidence.

Regarding your request to reappear in the exam, I understand your concern and will consider it. However, I will have to discuss it with the concerned faculty members and follow the school’s policies and procedures regarding missed exams. I will get back to you as soon as possible with a decision.

In the meantime, I would advise you to focus on your health and well-being and try to catch up on any missed coursework or assignments. Please let me know if you require any further assistance or support.

Best regards,

Mr. Francis

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