
Letter to Principal to Upgrade Science Laboratory

Sample Of Request Letter To Principal To Upgrade School Laboratory, and Its Equipment as it will help the students in learning process.

Request Letter To Principal To Upgrade Laboratory Equipment


The principal, Aims high school

Respected sir,

With due respect, I am writing this letter make a request regarding the science lab of our school. Most ofthe equipment’s are broken, and some of them are rusted. There are very few chemicals as well as measuring instruments. Students do not get any chance to learn new things by experimentation. Now day’s schools are focusing more on project base learning rather than books.  In order to compete with those schools we need an upgraded science lab in our school. Please find attached list of the material required for the lab. I shall be really thankful to you if you process the request on urgent basis. Thank you so much.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Henna Martin

Science department

Letter to Principal to Upgrade Science Laboratory Equipment


We are facing serious problems due to lack of instruments in our Chemistry lab. The current facilities are not enough for the huge strength of our school. Most of the apparatus is broken, and the machines are out of order. The lab is also devoid of advanced instruments to perform the experiments as per new syllabus of class tenth. We have complained about this issue many times to our teacher but he is also helpless.

It is requested to you to kindly visit our chemistry lab, and see the deplorable condition by yourself. Kindly upgrade our chemistry lab, buy new apparatus, and fulfill all the short comings before the end of this term. We can also provide you a list of items which are most important for our science activities.


Letter to Principal to Upgrade Science Laboratory

 Respected Principal,

With due respect, I wrote this application to you to request about the upgrades needed immediately in our science laboratory. Our Cambridge International Examination Syllabus has been updated for Chemistry, and Physics which now requires many changes, and upgrades.

In the practical module, new instruments have been introduced along with latest versions of many instruments. As these changes are major, and our whole practical depends on the instruments so we cannot perform them until new apparatus is provided, and even if we do then the answers are not in range.

As our final CIE Exams are nearing so I, as Head Girl A level, on behalf of our whole science group request you to kindly approve my application as soon as possible so that no more of our time is wasted. You may ask the lab assistants for further confirmation. We all would be very grateful to you.

Best Regards;

Fatima Aamir

Head Girl A level

Letter to Principal to Upgrade Science Laboratory

Respected Principal,

With all due respect, I am writing this letter with a sincere request to upgrade our science laboratory. As you know soon we will be giving our CIE’s, and it is important for all of the candidates to have proper knowledge regarding lab equipment. However, our lab is deprived of the proper equipment required for the practicals, and experiments. The equipment that we do have is not up to date, and a lot of the test tubes, and beakers are broken. It is difficult for the professors to demonstrate experiments as proper equipment is not provided. The AC in our laboratory does not work either, and it is very hard for students to focus on their work in this immense heat. The need for new equipment, and a working AC is essential for us to focus on our work.

I hope you will look into my request, and for the sake of the students upgrade the science laboratory soon.

Best Regards,

Bilal Ali

Letter to Principal to Upgrade Science Laboratory

To: Principal Stewart, Wagner Middle School
Detroit, Michigan, United States

I hope this letter receives you in good health. With all due respect, I am writing this letter to make a request regarding the science lab of our school.

A good portion of the equipment is broken; many are rusted, and unusable for laboratory work. The chemicals are old, expired, and generally unfit for use.

Students tend to learn from practical work rather than from books, and memorizing. This is why it is necessary that this science lab be upgraded as soon as possible.

Please find the attached list of the material required for the lab. I humbly request that you start this immediately.

Thank you, and I await your reply.

Mrs. Jenna Lee
Department of Science, Wagner Middle School

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