
Letter to Contractor for Slow Progress of Work

Sample letter to contractor for informing about slow progress work and deadline of the project. Sample warning letter to contractor for slow progress on the site, and warn the contractor to speed up the work due to deadline. Strong letter for the slow progress of work.

Warning Letter to Contractor for Slow Progress of Work

Dear Sir.

I want to bring it to your notice immediately. That your company is not able to complete the work on the project as per the agreement. Failure to comply with our work schedule and timeline may result in the termination of your contract. You had to complete these tasks last month, which have not yet begun.

You are requested to come to our office with a copy of the agreement and details of the work completed. Otherwise, we will terminate your agreement without further notice.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Sample Letter to Contractor for Slow Progress of Work

The General Manager

Subject: Slow Progress of work

Dear Sir,

It is regretted to inform you that the Progress of work against the ongoing NGN project is too slow, affecting the overall progress of the whole project, and we are losing our targets. If this practice continues, we will not be able to start our new project, which will start right after the end of this project. It is again mentioned for your kind information that the end date of this project is December 2106, and we have to complete all exchanges before this period.

I hope you will direct your sub con to enhance the pace of work.

Thanking you,

Your Name

Letter to Speed up The Progress of Work

Core Construction Company, London

Dear sir,

This is to bring to your kind attention that the due date of the project completion, which is (Date), is arriving very swiftly. It is noted with the great observance that there is still a huge work is pending with some of the leftover works too. It is also noted that you are not working with adequate sources for some time. It is, therefore, the need of the hour that you may increase your workforce or resources to complete the pending work in time. So it is highly recommended and advised that you should sort the mentioned issues as soon as possible to boost up the speed of the work under the Contract Agreement between us. Quick action in this regard is required from your side.

Looking forward to quick action.

Yours Sincerely,

Director, LSE (Client)

Sample Warning Letter to Contractor for Slow Progress

Dear Mr. Rafaqat,

I hope you will be fine and enjoying good health these days. I, (you name), have been a nominated councilor of Valencia Town and observed a severe scenario in my area. As per the agreement & set terms of condition, the construction of Roads of Phase I & II must be completed in 3 months. As far as completing work is concerned, it has been passed 4 months, but the work is still in process.

It doesn’t seem you would complete the work in 1 more month. Due to the slow working conditions, the residents face much trouble, and it has become almost dangerous to come to Phase I & II.

Through this letter, I want to put your attention to please arrange to complete the work with efficient performance. You were unable to fulfill the terms of the agreement. You finally have 2 more weeks to complete the work, and else your outstanding can behold.


Ali Haider, Area Counselor

Complaint to the municipality about slow work progress of road construction

To: Mayor, Municipality of Fieldview
Fieldview, California, United States

I am writing to complain about the plodding progress of road construction on 405 Highway. I use this highway to get to and from work every day. It has been under construction for the past few months, but usually, the equipment is sitting idle.  It is a major inconvenience for all of us who use the 405 Highway daily.

Please consider speeding up the construction or hiring more workers.

Thank you,
Brandy Chandler
Fieldview, California, United States

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