
Letter to Cancel Visa Application

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Letter to Withdraw Visa Application

The Embassy of the Republic of South Korea,
Diplomatic Enclave,


I, Nouman Zaib, an applicant of the D-2 student visa, passport no. AJ5936842, have applied for the student visa of the Republic of South Korea. I filed my visa application on the 14th of September (Date) by fulfilling all the requirements of the embassy. Also, an interview was conducted in which I tried to satisfy the visa officer with my confident answers. Furthermore, I was asked to provide the embassy with some additional documents related to the financial proofs of the second year of my studies. Due to some personal reasons, I am unable to provide the second year’s expenses. Hence, I have decided to cancel the visa application.

Therefore, it would be a great favor if I could get some updates (returning my documents) from your side as soon as possible. If there are any queries, please feel free to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Nouman Zaib

Letter to Cancel Visa Application


Respected officer!

Hope you are doing fine. One month back I filed for a work visa for UK but turned out the seminar that I was going to attend there has been cancelled, and the university has decided to do it at the end of this year which means I have no reason to go right now, or within the next six months.

I want you to revoke my visa application so that I can apply without any hassle the next time I apply that is a few months from now on. Hope to hear anything from your office soon.



Letter to Cancel Visa Application

Dear Sir,

I’m writing this letter to you so that I can tell you that i have applied for Australian visa which I don’t want now, because  I am facing some issues regarding to my documents. I am very sorry for inconvenience.
Hope you don’t mind.


Mr. Hassan Bajwa

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