
Letter to Administration/Authority Requesting to Organize a Gathering for All Past Students at High School

Sample Letters to authorities to arrange a high school gathering inviting all past students of the school. This letter can be used by teachers who want to give a huge farewell to the a senior, or alumni who want to relive the memories of the past.

Letter by an Alumni to host a Re Union as a 10 year Anniversary Party

School’s Name,

School’s Address,

Dear Sir /Madam,

I ,sender’s name, write this letter to you to request you to schedule a high school reunion for all past students of the school. Being an alumni for almost 6 years there is not a single day that goes by without thinking about my high school memories. Certainly, the memories I made in high school have stayed with me ever since, and I am sure that this is for every one else who graduated from this school.

Nowadays everyone is busy with their lives. Either someone is busy in university, or either a full time job. As the school is celebrating its 10 year anniversary this year I, along with many of my friends of mine, want the school to invite all its past students, and have a reunion.

On a practical level, This gathering with help the current students link with the alumni, and make connections with people who are already working in different fields. Moreover, the school will be able to able to benefit through these links. The alumni also will be able to welfare from the bond they build amongst themselves.

I humbly request you to consider my request. Hoping for a positive response from the administration.

Yours Truly,

Sender’s Name,

Signature (Optional),


Letter to the Directorate by a Teacher to Host a High School Reunion as a Farewell for Retiring Principal

School’s Name,

School’s Address,

Dear Sir /Madam,

I. teacher name, request the committee to please arrange a reunion of past students as a farewell to Mr Shah.

As all of us who have been working in this school know, Mr Shah Ali , the current Principal has been serving this school for the best 35 years. He is retiring this month, after providing for this school with all his heart. As a teacher who has been working with him for past 10 years, I highly appreciate his dignity, and diligence.

As heart breaking as it is, Mr Shah’s farewell should also be celebrated in the best way possible. Mr shah has mentored so many students, and all the alumni, and current students really have developed a very strong bond with him. For all he has done for the school, and for all of us, personally, I appeal to you to arrange a large gathering inviting all the past students of this school. So that we can show Mr shah that he has a special place in our hearts.

Moreover, this request is not just mine as I write for all the current teachers, and students who have also contributed to this idea. Please Consider our request.

Yours Truly,

Teacher’s Name,

Signature (Optional),


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