
Letter of Suggestion for Improvement

Sample email letter to give suggestions after you have been asked, or after experience of the product/services for improvement in the product, or services.

Sample Letter for Giving Suggestions


Sub: Sample suggestion letter to management

Respected sir,

It is stated that i am working in Finance department. We are working on Financial analysis for company. We have noticed that we Lack advance analysis software for financial analysis. That’s why our work is suffering, and company time is wasted.

It is requested to you that we should improve the process, and add new analysis tools to increase efficiency of company.

Thanks in advance.

Yours Truly,

Sample Letter of Suggestion for Improvement

The manager
Grand Hotel

Dear Sir,

My name is Adward, and I am from London, and here in Manchester due to some business meetings. As I had to stay here for few days, so I booked a room in your hotel. Though everything was ok here, and I had good reception, and all services were good. But, I wasn’t satisfied with the food, and every time I ordered something I got poor food. As you know our health depends on what we eat, and if you won’t offer good quality food to your guests, you will lose your reputation. I have some suggestions about this issue,

Hope you would take notice of my complaint, and would consider my suggestions for better improvement.

Best Regards
Adward Mike

Letter of Suggestion for Improvement to Student

Khawaja Waqar
Harvard University

I have received your test, and assignment reports, and I am not very impressed by your performances lately. You used to be a great student but now your grades are dropping, and your name has often appeared in the absentee list as well. I know that it is hard to live away from home, and you have many distractions as well. I have heard about the rumors of you getting in the habits of drugs, and spending time mostly out with your other colleagues. You got selected in Harvard based on your abilities, and confidence. Don’t let that confidence ruin you.

Our term exams are starting from next month, and I want you to appear in these exams, and ace them. Take extra classes if you need any, or come to me for help in literature. Don’t let down the hopes of your parents by dropping out from college. I hope you will take this seriously, and act upon to become a good student that you once were.

Mr. Nicholas Sherman
Harvard University

Suggestion Letter for Improvement by an Elder Brother

The younger brother,

Dear salman,

I hope you will be enjoying good health. Father has come to know through some sources that you are not paying attention to your studies. He has also informed that you kept the company of some bad boys who used to smoke, and wander throughout the day as well as you spend all your time in ground to play cricket. We know that physical activity like cricket plays important role for a good health but it should be limited.

You should not waste all your day, and precious time in sports. The news of smoking was very shame full for all of us. None of us smoked ever. And you know that smoking is very dangerous for health, instead of that you adopted this bad habit. Such kind of activities can be a hurdle in the way of your successful career. We had sent you Lahore for good studies so that after completing it you could get a bright, and successive future.

But you are not being honest with that purpose. You cannot make parents to proud of you like this. I request you to leave all such acts. You have already hurt parents a lot. But you can still win their hearts by leaving such kind of company, and habits. Your annual exams are about to held, and I want you to get first division.

We are hopeful that you will get an improvement in yourself now. Our prayers, and support is always with you. Stay blessed.

Your elder brother,
Qamar Ayub

Letter of Suggestion for Improvement of School

Dear the chairman,

I am writing to you because I would like to discuss the school that I went to see last week. In every school there are room for improvement but this school they need lots of improvements. They have more weaknesses than they so strengths. Some of the good things in the school were that their timing of their lessons was perfect, and they have one lunch time break. Next are the weaknesses, starting with the teacher lack of discipline especially when it comes to bulling. I saw three little boys get bullied just because they had packed lunches, and like to eat alone.

There were teachers nearby they saw but they just didn’t do anything I suppose for an easy day. I suggest that you get the teachers in a big meeting, and inform them that this will not be tolerated, and that any teacher who sees any sign of bulling should report it, or do something about it on the spot.  Discipline is a major issue at this school. For one when everyone is in lessons the teachers seem to have a hard time to get the students to settle down, and actually gets some work done because they are all talking shouting, or misbehaving.

For this you need the teachers to be more stricken, and firm with punishments. There are other things such as the playground is certainly not safe for anyone to walk on, and the students are running on it. I hope that you understand what I am saying, and I look forward to seeing what action that you take.

Kind regards,

Miss. Kimberly Duel

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