
Leave Letter for Ear Piercing Ceremony

Leave application to manager for son ear piercing ceremony. You can use this application for son, daughter, nephew, nieces etc on their ear piercing ceremony.

Leave Request for Ear Piercing Ceremony

Dear Mr. Manager,

I am writing to you because I would like to request to submit a letter of leave application so that I can attend a very important ceremony for my son. Next week my son turns 16, and it is tradition, and it is the father’s job to overlook all of the decoration, and provide all of the support needed. I would like to have two days of work for this event. I know that my culture, and tradition has always confused you, and in the past has cause a bit of trouble with me having another holiday off.

However I can assure you that this is just two days, and I will not be drinking the night before I have to come back into work. The name of the ceremony is Joshua’s ear piercing ceremony. It is very important because it marks a very important age for my son as in our culture he has become of age to marry, and having your ear pierced marks him, and shows to potential parents that he is of marring age.

I hope that you understand, and I hope that you will grant me this request. I look forward to hearing back your reply.

Kind regards,

Mr. Ramona Usher

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