
Job Termination Letter Format for Companies and Employers

Sample job termination letter for employees, staff members, managers, officers, contract employees. Sample job termination, and suspension letter to employee involved in fraud, grouping, poor performance, misbehavior etc available for free download in word, and pdf formats. Employment termination letter normally used for employee after expiry of contract, poor performance, misbehavior, misconduct with senior, manager, or boss.

Job Termination Letter to Employee/Supervisor

Mr. Kumar,
Area Supervisor.
Mac Pharmaceuticals ltd.

Dear Sir,

I am sad to inform you that in the wake of ongoing rising inflation, and deteriorating economic condition of the country, our organization is facing high financial pressure, and we are compelled to terminate some of our staff members to lighten the burden. Unfortunately, the committee assigned for this purpose has proposed for the termination of your services as you could not meet the sales target for last three months, and you were not able to deliver under pressure.

So, you will be relieved of your duties from this organization at the end of this month, and all your outstanding bills will be cleared instantly. We wish you best of luck for your future.


Adam Hopkins
Mac Pharmaceuticals ltd

Employee Termination Letter Format

Dear Employee,

It is to inform you that due to your unsatisfactory work, and your non-serious attitude, you have been terminated from your position as a manager from the Cape Industries Co. Ltd. You are no longer an employee of Cape Industries Co. Ltd.


Cape Industries Co. Ltd

Job Termination Letter Sample in English

Syed Qamar Abass
AH Foundation
Defense Campus

Subject: Termination of Services with effect from 12th Jan
The management of AH Foundation has decided to terminate your employment services with effect from 12th Jan. You were found guilty of misbehaving, and using abusive language with following persons:

Please contact accounts officer for your final settlement bill.

Atif Naveed

Manager Administration
AH Foundation
DHA Campus
Hon. CEO.
Hon. Director
Manager HR
Accounts Officer

>Sample letter of termination from employer to employees, or staff members of the company. You can use this termination letter for employees to sacking employees, kick out the employees from the company of any post.

Letter of Termination Format


>Subject: Letter of Termination

Dear Mr/Ms.__________,

As you know the current scenario of our company, we are facing acute shortage of funds because of decline in sales aroused due to bad slump in international market. We are not in a position to continue with our same expenditures; here we regret to say that we’ll have to layoff a number of employees. Moreover the management of the company has also decided in the meetings that when we’ll come out of this phase we’ll first priorities you for next inductions. We feel worth with our valuable employees, and we believe on the concept of belonging with employees.

However, this decision of laying off is effective immediately. You will be paid today salary of Dec, and Jan, salary will be paid on 28th February.

We wish you the best in your future.


Signatory Authority
E Technologies (Pvt) Ltd

Employee Termination Letter Sample

Respected Employee,

It is to inform you that your job in our company had been temporarily terminated, and you are being suspended for two months. Due to an identification of a fraud in your area of work the board has decided to suspend you for two months. No salary, or any other job perquisites would be given in this duration. You are not allowed to come to office, or involve in any other matters of the company for the required period. It is your decision if you want to carry on your job after the period, or you may find a new job. Please inform the company if you find a new job.

Best Wishes,

Manager Human Resource

Employment Termination

Mr. Mike Atherton
Finance Executive,
West ham

Dear Mr. Mike,

This is with reference to agreement no. XXX/XX/XXX dated January 01, XXX with respect to your probation with the Company.

Our practice is to induct permanent staff only on receipt of positive assessment / feedback from human resource department on completion of probationary period.

We are regretful to express that you are not qualified under the aforesaid assessment criteria. You are requested to receive your original testimonials from HR department at your earliest possible convenience.

We hope that you will get ultimate success in your future endeavors.

Thanking you, and with profound regards,

Very truly yours,

Alan Taylor
Head of Human Resource

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