
Harassment Complaint Letter to Police Against Stranger, Boss, Boyfriend, Anonymous, etc

Sample letter to the Police to take action against harassment. These letters can be used by anyone who wants to report general harassment, domestic abuse, or harassment in the Office.

General Harassment Complaint Letter to Police

Officer’s Name,

Officer’s Designation,

Police Station’s Address,

Dear Sir,

I, sender’s name, write this letter to you in deep sorrow. I am an independent working woman and a single mother; working at a call center on the night shift. I always take the same route on public transport to come back home. For the past week, I have noticed that two men are following me after I leave work at 4 am. I ignored them as I did not want any further problems, but yesterday the situation got out of hand. They followed me to my house and started ringing the bell as they closed the door hastily. The men began shouting abuses at me but left as my neighbors arrived after hearing this.

This incident has scared me regarding my children’s safety. Therefore, I request you to view the CCTV footage of my usual route and arrest these men as soon as possible.

Yours Respectively,

Sender’s Name

Domestic Abuse/Harassment Complaint Letter Against Husband to Police

Officer’s Name,

Officer’s Designation,

Police Station’s Address,

Dear Sir,

After hesitating for a long time, I write this letter in deep sorrow, the sender’s name. Having been married for six years, there hasn’t been a single day that has been without any abuse.

My husband is a regular alcoholic, often returns home fully drunk, and abuses my children and me for no reason. He has been diagnosed been Intermittent explosive disorder (IED). Even though we have been regularly going to the physiologist, there has not been any improvement in his behavior for the past two years.

My children also face depression and anxiety due to their father’s abusive behavior. In addition, my husband has rejected my application for divorce and has gotten even more offensive. Please consider my request, and help me in dealing with my abusive husband.

Yours Respectively,

Sender’s Name

Office Harassment Complaint Letter to Police

Officer’s Name,

Officer’s Designation,

Police Station’s Address,

Dear Sir,

I, sender’s name, write this letter to report to you an incident that happened to me at my office. As a personal assistant of the Manager, I have to be at her side all the time. As I joined work, she was very friendly to me and helped me settle in the office. But recently, she has been very over-friendly in a very uncomfortable and vulgar way.

She has been talking to me very indecently, and recently, her actions have been very predatory. I have already reported to the Office’s management, but no action has been taken against her as per the senior’s authority.

I request you to please review my case and take action against my senior.

Yours Respectively,

Sender’s Name

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