
Essay on My Best Teacher in School

Sample essay on my favorite teacher. My best teacher essay in English. My favourite teacher college essays, 500 words essay on my favourite teacher, and short essay my teacher for exams, class test etc.

My Best Teacher in School Essay

As soon as we start our schooling we enter the professional world of education. The first person that we come across in that world is the person who takes the responsibility of our learning, and that person plays a huge role in making, or breaking our personality. Usually all the things that we learn from our birth till we are four years old are from our parents. Starting from alphabets to mathematics table our mother keeps repeating that in front of us to help us memorize it.

But the person that has no association, or familiarity before but makes us learn anything, and challenge us to be the best version of ourselves is called Teacher. Now starting right from play groups the long list of our teachers start, and it goes on until we stop studying. When we study in school we have the most impressionable minds then which means if we are lucky enough to have good teachers then we are in safe hands but if we are not as lucky to call any of our teachers as our mentor then we may face a little difficulty in overcoming our fears.

I was one of the few lucky ones who had teacher in their school life when they needed to confide in someone the most. I remember Mrs. Jane she was a gentle soul always encouraging student to give everything their best shot. I have never seen a teacher that understands her student psyche as best as she used to. She could only take a look at her student, and tell if there is something going on with him, or her.

I was always a shy student it took me time as question to teachers, and I was never chatty one. Mrs. Jane knew that every student has its own strength, and weaknesses, and she also never pushed anyone to be the same. If someone like me who did not use to ask much question, or talk a lot she used to ask us questions in a certain way that did not feel like interrogation, and not make us look like fools. I was an average satisfactory student till my sixth grade I was doing fine with my grades but I was also not the best.

When in seventh grade Mrs. Jane was appointed as my class teacher, and the way she used to counsel us more than teach us made me want to do best to make her proud of me. She was a natural motivator, a nurturer she used to believe on the ideology of student are future, and the way to not make them rebel is by understanding them , by gently guiding them, and most of all by listening to them so that they do not feel as they are not being listened to.

Now it has been ten years since I have taken a class from her, and right now I am a student at one of the top most university of state but still whenever I am being asked about my favorite teacher her gentle aura, and polite smile comes to my mind.

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