
Essay on Gender Discrimination in our Society

Template of essay on gender discrimination that still plagues our society in modern times. Essay discusses its origin, the everyday situations people face because of it, and how we can eradicate it to make our world a better place for all genders to live in.

Essay On Major Issues of Gender Discrimination

Today we stand on a different level in this global village where everyone is inter-connected, where there is a huge ocean of knowledge, and information that is easily accessible. People are more educated, and aware of their rights then they were before. But even in 21st century when we are at the heights of technology, when we have reached space, and making new discoveries day by day, deep down in the hidden areas there lies many issues which are often highlighted but mostly deliberately forgotten, or avoided; one the major issues that still needs to be resolved is the Gender Inequality.

Before adding light to the major issues of gender inequality it is important to understand what is Equality, or Equal Rights? By the law of nature, every human being is born different, they are physically different from each other, their features, and personalities are different but does that mean their rights as individuals are not equal?; The answer to this question is very simple yet very twisted, and complicated, many struggles have been made from centuries to find an answer to this question. Every human being holds equal fundamental rights in their lives; that involves right of basic education, job, and their proper place in the society, these rights should be equal for everyone, regardless of their gender, or social background. Every human being should be given their basic rights to live their life, and make their own place in the society. But the question that arises here is; is everyone getting equal rights, and opportunities in their lives?

From centuries women have been fighting for their equal rights, Feminism is a very hot topic till this date. Now, women walk freely, they get their education, and place in the society, it was not always like this. Feminism itself contains three waves, first wave of feminism was at the very beginning of late 18th, and early 19th century at that time women could not even think about education they were only confined to their homes, they were given no identity, or any right to vote, but few women stood out, and raise their voices to get their basic rights of living; later on in the second wave women struggled for their right of education, and jobs during the 19th century but they still faced back lash they could only serve as teachers, or caretakers at different homes of wealthy people whereas, 3rd wave of Feminism is still going on, and the main aim of it is to get equal job opportunities, educational opportunities, and mainly equal pay because if a women is a CEO of any company, and a man is doing the same job she will be made much lesser than a man for equal amount of work which is completely unfair. They deserve equal pay for the same job. Moreover, women are not being offer jobs at any higher level, it very rare that they get any chance because they are considered physically incapable of doing stressful jobs.

As aforementioned, the struggle for equal rights of women is still going on; it is a major issue of concern in almost every county. Women of west consider herself more free than the women of east. But just because they are free to wear the clothes they like, and go out whenever they want; does that makes them more free, and independent? The basic problem still lies there, women are supposed to be the homemaker, she has to make meals, take care of her children’s needs, and be there for them 24/7 with that if she chooses to work she gets no support from her family, and at work she works tirelessly just like the man of the house but she is paid less than what she deserves. These are the issues that still need to be resolved.

Who are the people who are making laws for the rights of women? Who holds the right to pass the rights? The dilemma is that even the lawmakers who hear the voice of women are men, they are controlling force. Even if a women wants her rights to pass on she has to make it approved by the men, because they govern their future.

Till now women are given much more rights than before, now she can acquire education, and choose her career, and become financially independent.  It is true that they are still being treated unfairly but there is another side of the story because of which the women who deserve equal rights suffer the most violence both at domestic, and social level. Many women are using their rights for evil purposes, they accuse men of harassment if they want to play with their rights, because when a women speaks up about the character of a man whole world pay attention, because of which they misuse this right to threat many innocent men;, and the women who need these rights suffer because many people start judging them that why they are playing the WOMEN CARD for their own personal greed, they hide themselves behind the social movements such as “MEETOO” movement which has recently cause many controversies.

Another important part of our society which is still mainly neglected is the transgender community, in the west they still have some rights of basic education, and jobs but in Middle East countries like India, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, or Pakistan they are not even considered as a part of society. They are not given their identity cards which make them non-existent; they are forced to beg on street, remain uneducated, and reduced to the business of prostitution. What is their fault? No one raises their voice for them. They still need to struggle for their rights; it is very rare that they get any job, even if they make it they get harassed by everyone. Just like women of the society they also deserve equal rights, they do exist. Their life is as important as anybody else, they should be given the right to their identity so they would be able to cast vote, and play their role in the development of society.

These are the dark, and stark realities, and issues of our world regarding inequality that lies everywhere even after the progress that we have made in the science. As Plato, remarks, “All men are by nature equal made all of the same earth, by the same Creator, and however we deceive ourselves, everyone is as dear to God.” Proper measures are to be taken to create equality among everyone; each gender can co-exist in the same society, and move towards the progress together. A monitoring force should exist who will make a check, and make sure that no one does any misuse of their rights so that this world could turn into a happy place where every human being is given equal opportunity, and right to live their lives as they want.

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