
Debate on Barrier to Women’s Advancement Vs Men

Format of debate on barrier to women’s advancement Vs Men. What are the challenges that are faced by men, and what are the hurdles that women face in their professional career.

Debate on Barrier to Women’s Advancement Vs Men

As a principal speaker in an inter-collegiate debate, write your contribution for, or against the motion; “Women do not have as good a chance as men as succeeding in life”

This world is ruling by men. Women do not have a good chance as men for succeeding in life. Elaborating it, when we want to decide something we always prefer the decision taken by a man. Whether we are living in America, or in third world countries we always give preference to men. No woman in America ever became president, and ruled the country.

Talking about Pakistan, whenever a woman says that she want to get education,  56% of the families refuse her request, and the rest of it admit them to schools just for status. The illiteracy rate in Pakistan is higher than the literacy rate because the men here still thinks that women cannot do anything, she is only for house hold jobs.

Men are responsible for this they cannot even see women successful in lives. If we talk about single mother if they do jobs for their earning they face a lot of problems, and difficulties, just because of men

Debate on Barrier to Women’s Advancement Vs Men

The barriers that women face in terms of advancement towards men are sickening. Women are treated like objects, and most women do not even come forward if they are harassed, or assaulted in fear of ruining their family’s reputation, the fact that the police will not care, or they will blame the woman instead.

This is the sad state of affairs in our country. Women do not have equal opportunities in this country, and we are falling behind. With the rise of feminism in other countries, we are still stuck in the same mindset that a woman should stay home, and cook, and clean. Women get high level degrees only to have them wasted because they are forced to work at home. For jobs, men are chosen as preference over women. Extremely few women work in the parliament, and government.

These issues are commonplace. The worst part of it is, our superiors, and authorities are actively participating in these horrible actions. They pay the police to turn a blind eye. People with money are able to get away with harassing, and assaulting women because their families’ are powerful. This is a severe issue that must be investigated, and exposed.

This is the kind of activism we need in our society; something that awakens a revolution among us. Something that tears down the walls of everything we know, and allows Pakistan to progress. We cannot ignore issues that affect half of our population. I believe all humans want to leave a legacy behind, and this could be your legacy.  You, the editor, could be known as the person who has exposed crimes against woman by high-level officials as the next Watergate, or Panama Papers. You could leave a legacy behind, and be known as a hero for women in Pakistan. Think about what you want, and think about what is right.


 It is an acknowledged fact that women have always tried to walk pace to pace with the men either by hook, or crook. They have most of the time, tried not to sit within the four walls of the house, and enjoy the meals earned by the men. That specifically, and more appropriately goes for the well educated, and responsible women of our society.  These women have despite of all the efforts they do to enhance the shape of the society, become a target of criticism, and are often bullied by the so called influential men of the society. There are many barriers facing women in our society. First of all the nuisance of the notion that a woman must stay at home, and cook for the family members discourages the inner lying paradigm of action, and strength in a woman. Secondly there are families which still believe, and  implement that a woman must be covered in many layers of a veil before she steps out of the house. They fail to understand that a woman is in all aspects equal to men, she can learn, and earn for the family, and her gender must not be a barrier for her in any way. Another important aspect of this situation is that the men would not allow their women to step out of the house because their advancement can be a trouble for their dignity. Such a thought in our modern day society is such a shame for the entire nation. Jane Topkins, a famous author, once said in her novel ‘Me, and my Shadows” that  “It enrages me how women are used as extensions to men, devices to show men off, devices to help men get what they want. They are never there in their own rights.” Thus in order to make the women advancement a possible phenomenon all what one requires is to mend, and enhance the thinking of the society altogether. Another debatable aspect is that it is not always the men who bring shame to the concept of women empowerment. Often we see women round shaming, and bashing other women down. We would hear an old lady in the town coming up with a stance for her next door neighbor that ‘How shameless is she who has got kids, and a household to look after, and she goes out to earn, what a stain on her man’s dignity”. Such heart wrenching comments from the women for the women have made our society look decrepit enough. It would be a better, and peaceful society if women are treated on an equal standard to men, both in private, and public spheres

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