
Complaint to Supplier for Poor Quality

Complaint to Supplier for Bad Quality of Construction Material. Request letter to supplier for replacement of poor quality products and materials.

Material Rejection Email to Supplier

Dear Supplier,

You are our raw material supplier. And it is noted that You are not providing us with the specified quality of the material, nor have you reported us as per contract. Therefore, you are requested to stop the supply of material instantly. In addition, because some of the material you provided has been rejected after use and we have to face the loss, we would like to know why you did this after an agreement.

Therefore, I would ask you to please come and check the site yourself and pay the damages per agreement. Further, if you can deliver the agreed material supply, please provide it; otherwise, you have to pay the delaying cost per contract. Looking for your quick response.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Letter to Supplier for Poor Quality or Inferior Quality Work

Dear Sir,

To have your kind attention, it has been observed that the material you are supplying from the last month is not up to the desired quality and standard. We have been buying material for some years from you but never encountered such kind of problem before then this time. As we are facing a lack of quality problem, we need this to be resolved by you at the earliest.

Recently you delivered us some trucks of cement that consisted of (Date) cement bags. While utilizing that cement out material tester observed clots of cement being coming from bags. It is observed that the cement has been damped, and clotting has been taking place inside the bag. So we stopped our work right away and have that material tested. While we tested, it is found that the concrete strength achieved by the use of that material is under our requirement and below the desired strength. So please may replace that material, and provide us a standard material to have desired results.

We will be having more of your material in the future based upon your activities on this problem. Therefore, I hope that you will take immediate action to insulate this problem that we are facing. It is also requested that you provide us the material in time as we cannot afford to slow down its progress. We have to complete the project in the agreed time, maintaining the standard quality of construction.

Looking forward to quick action in this regard from your side. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours Truly,

Project Manager

Sample Letter to Supplier for Poor Quality of Stores

Dear Awan Traders,

This is to inform you that the stores deliver by you in our warehouse last week against our supply order dated (Date) has been inspected by our quality assurance team under the supervision of the chief inspector. Feeling sorry to mention here that the entire store supplied by you has been rejected by the quality assurance team. They have endorsed the delivery challenge to return the store and replace it with a quality store as per specifications and standards of the contract agreement.

Keeping above in view, you are hereby instructed to replace all the supplied items with quality goods, so the agreement is completed in its true letter and spirit. Hopefully, you will carry out the task as directed as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience in the later stage, please.

Sincerely Yours,

Amcy Traders

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