
Complaint letter Against Irresponsible Roommate

Format of sending a complaint to your headmaster, warden, supervisor about your roommate who has been proving to be a real headache to you. He/She is not acting his/her age, and making a mess for you.

Complaint Letter against roommate

To the Accommodation Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter of complaint regarding my roommate who is a source of great disturbance. The new academic year has begun, and the college’s demanding academic schedule is already taking up most of time. I come back to my dorm around the evening with the hope that I will be able to relax for sometime although my roommate makes that impossible. She always has loud music on, and is inviting her friends over, no matter what the time. I have tried talking to her numerous times to quiet down because I am studying, working on assignments, or sleeping but she pays no heed to my requests. She does not help in cleaning the dorm room, and makes most of the mess. She does not have a job so she does not get her own groceries, and instead finishes all the food that I buy.

I request you to please arrange me a new roommate, and if that is not possible, please arrange a new room for me. I will be very grateful for your co operation.

Best Regards,

Fatima Waqas


Complaint Letter Against Roommate

Respected Madam,

I sent this letter to file a complaint regarding my roommate.  From the beginning of the semester, we have not been getting along due to his style of living. He invites friends to our dorm even after midnight which disturbs my sleeping routine. In addition to this, he is also very noisy which makes it inconvenient for me to complete my tasks. I have always ignored his selfish ways, and kept to myself but as you know that midterms are approaching, so everyone has to prepare for the exams. However, the problem is that whenever I am studying, he plays music on loud volume. Furthermore, when I tell him to tone down on the noise level, he replies sarcastically, and increase the volume.

I request you to please change my roommate because I cannot risk getting a lower score in my exam due to these sorts of disturbances. You may contact me for any further questions. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Ali Noor

Room___, Building_____


Complaint Letter against Roommate

To: Hostel Warden
Hostel No. 14, Collingwood, Ontario, Canada

I am writing to complain about my current roommate in Room 35. He is constantly making noise, inviting friends over, and partying, among other nuisances. It is detrimental to me, and it is increasingly difficult for me to study. I have requested multiple times for him to stop this behavior, but he does not listen.

Therefore, I politely request that you allow me to change rooms, or get a new roommate. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

Many thanks,

Scott Brown
Hostel No. 14, Collingwood, Ontario, Canada

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