
Complaint Against No Proper Garbage Disposal

This sample application letter to the city administration for cleaning your street, cleaning of your town, cleaning garbage from your house front, cleaning the garbage center, cleaning garbage from the office front, or cleaning garbage from the shop front, etc. You can modify these formats as per your need.

Letter to City/Society Administration for Proper Garbage Disposal

Dear City Administration,

I am writing to request your assistance in cleaning up the garbage in our neighborhood. Specifically, I would like to request the cleaning of the streets, town, garbage from house fronts, garbage centers, office fronts, and shop fronts.

The accumulation of garbage in these areas has become a major concern for the health and well-being of our community. It not only creates an unsightly environment but also attracts insects and rodents that pose a health hazard to the residents.

I would be grateful if you could take prompt action to address this issue by assigning your cleaning staff to clean up the areas mentioned above. If necessary, please provide additional resources to ensure that the cleaning is done effectively and efficiently.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your positive response.


[Your Name]

Complaint against Proper Garbage disposal in a Street (boiling of gutters)

Dear Assistant Commissioner,

I am writing to bring to your attention the dire situation with regard to proper garbage disposal in our street. The unsanitary and unhygienic conditions have been a persistent issue for months, despite my efforts to address it with the workers and senior members of your office. The gutters are blocked and sewage has spilled onto the roads, polluting the environment and causing a serious health risk.

The stagnant water and unclean surroundings have caused multiple cases of stomach illness in my own and my neighbor’s children. We have attached the relevant documentation which clearly shows the serious consequences of this issue. The current conditions also pose a risk for diseases such as dengue, which can be life-threatening.

As residents of this area, we implore you to visit our street to see the dire condition for yourself. We request that your team take immediate action to clean up the spillage and unclog the gutters. Our home is our sanctuary, and we hope that you can help us restore it to a safe and healthy environment.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Number]

Complaint Against No Proper Garbage Disposal in the Street (foul smell of trash cans)

Dear [Head of Company],

I am writing to express my concern about the improper garbage disposal system in our area. Your company has installed trash cans at various locations throughout Lahore, but the one placed in front of our apartment building is causing serious issues.

The trash cans are only cleaned every two days, which results in a foul and disgusting smell of rotten food and waste that permeates the entire area. This has made living conditions extremely difficult, especially for the food vendors and businesses in the commercial zone. The smell is so bad that customers have stopped visiting these establishments, and the vendors have been forced to close their businesses.

In addition to the financial impact, the unhygienic conditions are a breeding ground for various infections. Children who play outside in the vicinity of the trash cans have also fallen ill due to poor conditions. It is now impossible to ignore the issue, as the smell has even seeped into our homes.

Therefore, I request that you relocate the trash cans to another area where they will not pose a health risk or negatively impact local businesses. I hope you will take this matter seriously and take appropriate action to alleviate this problem.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Number]

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