
Complaint against Liquor Shop/ Wine Shop

Sample Complaint letter against Liquor Shop/ Wine Shop in society. Remove  Liquor Shop near school campus, students appeal to collector.

Complaint against Illegal Liquor Shop

The Collector,
District Bloomsbury, London.

Dear Sir,

This is to draw your attention to one of the most serious matter in our society i.e. opening of a liquor shop.

We are residents of Model colony, and all are educated, and own families, and children as well. About two months ago, a liquor shop was opened in our colony which is like a bolt from the blue for all parents.

First of all the starting of any commercial activity in a residential colony is banned by law, and secondly, this liquor shop has attracted our young children, and the customer of this shop are increasing rapidly that is the matter of grave concerns for all parents. Our children are being addicted to alcoholic liquid, and wasting their time, and health in unethical activities.

Sir, we cannot see the ruining of our children’s future in front of our eyes.

It is therefore requested that necessary action may please be taken against the illegal opening of a liquor shop at model colony.

Thanking you for your time.


Complaint against Liquor Shop

The collector,

Respected sir,

With all my due respect, I am writing this letter to bring it to your knowledge that last week 2 men has started a liquor shop in our area, and it is very disturbing for all the residents of the area. It is promoting the usage of liquor among youngsters which is very dangerous for the society. Being a good citizen our moral values do not allow us to have such shop in our area.

I request you on behalf of the society to take a serious action on this issue as it is not promoting anything good among the society. I expect that you will take our concern under your consideration, and will take a serious action as soon as you can. We shall be really grateful to you. Thanks

Yours sincerely,

Mr. A Malik

Complaint to Collector About Liquor Shop, Sharrab Business

To The collector,

Prakasam district,Andhra pradesh

Dear Sir,

In Pernamitta village which is at a distance of 4kms from ongole, one wine shop is running near the houses, and it is beside the kurnool road. They are creating so much nonsense near houses. Please help sir to close the wine shop near houses. Every day they are creating non sense in beside streets. One time send the officers I am sure they will see directly the bad thing happening. According to Govt rule wine shops should not run near houses. Thanking you Sir.

Yours sincerely.
One common man

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