
Application for Transfer of Job Location

Sample application for job transfer from one place to another, one location to another, one office to another, and one branch to another in other cities. I am a staff nurse and need a transfer application. Transfer application to the directorate of HFW (health family welfare) letter of transfer from Calcutta to Guwahati. I am a govt employee.

Application for transfer of Job Posting from One Location to Another

Subject: Request for posting from (Dept Name) to Newly Established (Dept Name) at an Existing Vacant Post of (Name of post you want to be transferred) and also Assigned Additional Charge of the Post of (Name of Additional Post)

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I submit the following few lines to your great honor for consideration.

I have been serving in (Company/Dept Name) as (Your Designation)

I have vast experience in the field of Management and Accounts. (CV Attached)

I request to your Excellency that I may please be posted from (current job) to (new job) in an existing vacancy of (name of the post) and also be allowed an additional charge of the post of (name of the additional post) in addition to my duties, I shall be very grateful to you for your great favor.

Thanking in anticipation,

Your Name & Designation

Application for Transfer of Job From One Office to Another

The Managing Director
Directorate of (Dept)


Dear Sir,

It is humbly stated that my husband recently secured promotion with a transfer from (place to place). So my family has decided to shift from here to the new station. I request you kindly approve my transfer to the (name of the place to be transferred). Kindly approve this request urgently so that I can shift with my family. It would be a kind favor of you to the whole of my family.

Yours Dutiful,

Head Nurse, GGH

Please can you provide me a request letter for transfer to another location since I have language and other problems while working here?

Job Transfer Application by Government Employee

The Director
Education Department,

Dear Sir,

I’m offering my duty at Government Degree College as an Assistant lecturer. It is humbly requested that I want to transfer my job to any my nearer city where I belong. It isn’t easy to do the job, and I cannot pay my full attention. So it is requested that you please transfer my job place so that I can continue my job. I shall be obliged and thankful if you accept my transfer application.

Truly Yours,

Your Name

Request Letter for Job Transfer

Manager Admin,

Dear Sir,

I am (Your Name), working in your institution for the last two weeks. I am writing this letter to request you to please transfer me to another area for numerous reasons.

Firstly, I am in public relations, so my job is to communicate with people. This is a village area, and most people are Punjabi speakers. I have never come across such people and have difficulty understanding their language.

Secondly, I have a dust allergy and become seriously ill when I come across an even a minute quantity of dust. My transfer to this area can leave me in a serious health crisis.

Thirdly, this place is 20km from my house, and I have to cover this distance twice every day. This makes me very tired, so it affects my working ability.

Lastly, this is a Christian village, and all my coworkers are Christians. I am not an extremist, nor am I provoking religious differences, but I feel quite uncomfortable here.

I hope you will bring my application under your consideration and transfer me to a new area as soon as possible.


Your Name

Request Letter for Job Transfer Due To Linguistic Problems at Current Workplace

The Manager HR
German Petroleum,

Dear Sir,

Most respectfully, I am not a native German language speaker. At this work site, most staff is German-speaking, so the same is used for official communication. I have difficulty effectively communicating with my manager and subordinates due to this linguistic barrier. For this reason, the operational work at the site and my progress are affected. I request you transfer me to the northeastern site plant, where English is the official communication language. This will greatly favor me in the best interest of proving my supervisory skills to smoothly run operations in my domain. I shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.

Yours Obediently,

Your Name
Operations Supervisor

Request to Transfer the location of Job due to health

The Manager of Operations,
Pakistan, Railways

Dear Sir,

This is humbly requested that I have been working as a Track Maintainer for the last five years, where my seniors are quite satisfied with my work. However, my doctor has advised me to avoid staying in the direct sunlight due to some health issues. Hence, this is no more possible for me to work outdoor under the sun.

Please consider my request, and transfer me to any other location where I can work indoors for some time so that my health can be recovered asap.

Attached is the medical certificate from the doctor.

Thanks indeed,

Your Name
Employee Id: 00000

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