
Application for car parking in the college, or school

Sample of Application Letters to school, or college Principals to allot a valid parking space to their student body. Parking spaces are becoming necessities of schools, and colleges, and to get that spot legally students can use this template to send application to school, college professor.

Sample Application Letter To Allot Parking Space


The management, pacific group of colleges

Respected sir,

With all the due respect, I am writing this letter to bring it to your knowledge that students face parking issue daily as there is no proper parking space in the college, as we all students use bikes for travelling purpose, and finding no space for parking creates issue for all the students. Most of the time we get late for the early classes because the time is wasted in finding place to park our vehicle. Last month 3 bikes got stolen because of no parking space, and administration, and guards did not cooperate with us. We are in a miserable condition; we want you to take a step towards this serious problem.  We shall be really thankful to you if you provide us a proper, and secure parking space. We shall be looking forward to your quick, and positive response. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Class 11th B

Application for Car Parking in the college, or school

Respected Principal,

With due respect, I wrote you this application to ask for permission for parking my car in school parking. I am aware of the fact that the parking area is only for teacher, and working staff but I request you to kindly allow me the access to it.

As I am a resident of DHA, my house is quite far from school. My parents are both working individuals so they don’t have time to pick, and drop me from school. Furthermore, as I am the only child so I don’t have any elder siblings who can help me out in this situation. Hiring a driver is an option but I cannot keep him waiting in the car until my school hours are over as that would be a harsh thing to do.

Till last week, I used to park my card outside the plaza that is beside our Campus but someone punctured my tire, and it caused me a lot of inconvenience so I don’t really see any other option besides parking car in the school parking. I would be very grateful to you if you grant my request.

Best Regards;

Ali Haider

O level year 2

Application for Car Parking in the College, or School

To: Principal Bertha
Ellington College, New Mexico, United States

It has come to my attention that there is no car parking in the college. One must go around the neighborhood to look for parking, which requires the student to walk a large distance to get to college.

These students are in college; they are adults. It is no surprise that most of them have vehicles of transportation that they use on a daily basis. It is bizarre that there is only parking for teachers, and professors within the school.

This makes it a major inconvenience for these students to get to class. Therefore, we request that car parking be expanded, and given to students as well.

Student Council of Ellington College
New Mexico, United States

Application for Car Parking in the College, or School

Respected Principal,

With all due respect, I am writing this letter with a sincere request to please allow students to park their cars inside the college. In the mornings, the traffic situation is intense, and students have to wait really long to get a parking spot because parents are dropping their children off. The students who drive themselves to school consider this as a troublesome problem since they often can’t find parking spots, and get late for their early morning classes. I request you to please arrange an area inside the college where they can park their cars so it becomes easier for them.

I hope you will look into my request, and consider my suggestion.

Best Regards,

Bilal Ali

Year 11

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