
Addressing Youth Problems in Pakistan: The Role of Employers

Pakistan, like many other countries, grapples with significant challenges, especially for its youth population. Unemployment, a flawed education system, lack of effective leadership, political instability, bribery, international pressures, and unscrupulous politicians contribute to the plight of the youth. Amidst these factors, the business sector, as represented by employers, can play a crucial role in alleviating the issues faced by the youth. However, a prevalent problem lies in the manner employers handle their workforce, discouraging the youth with low salaries, forced overtime, lack of recognition, promotions, and excessive workloads. This article delves into the impact of such practices and calls for employers to embrace a more professional and empathetic approach towards their employees.

The Power of Fair Compensation:

A fundamental aspect of engaging and motivating employees lies in providing fair compensation for their work. Employers often offer meager salaries, expecting unwavering dedication in return. However, a dissatisfied and underpaid workforce is unlikely to perform optimally or contribute positively to the employer’s goals. Recognizing the value of employees and compensating them in line with their abilities and education can foster a culture of loyalty and dedication among the workforce.

Promoting a Culture of Recognition:

Rewarding and recognizing employees for their accomplishments and hard work is essential for boosting morale and job satisfaction. Employers should create systems that acknowledge outstanding performance, leading to a motivated and productive workforce. Simple gestures of appreciation can go a long way in instilling a sense of belonging and loyalty within the organization.

Balancing Workload and Overtime:

Excessive workload and forced overtime are detrimental to both the physical and mental well-being of employees. Employers should prioritize work-life balance and create a supportive environment where employees can efficiently manage their personal and professional commitments. By ensuring reasonable working hours and reducing mandatory overtime, employers can enhance employee satisfaction and overall performance.

Ending Salary Blocks:

The practice of withholding salaries for one or two months as security is unfair and detrimental, particularly for employees with low incomes who struggle to make ends meet. Employers should consider alternative methods to ensure accountability and commitment without resorting to such punitive measures. Creating transparent and mutually beneficial agreements can lead to a more harmonious employer-employee relationship.

Investing in Skill Development:

To empower the youth, employers should invest in skill development and continuous learning opportunities. By providing training and upskilling programs, employers can enhance the capabilities of their workforce, resulting in a more skilled and adaptable workforce that can meet the demands of an ever-changing job market.

Encouraging Employee Feedback:

Open communication channels between employers and employees are essential for fostering a healthy work environment. Employers should encourage feedback, suggestions, and grievances from their workforce, demonstrating that they value their opinions. This approach can lead to more engaged employees and a workplace that addresses issues constructively.


The challenges faced by the youth in Pakistan are undoubtedly complex and multifaceted, but the business sector, represented by employers, has a significant role to play in ameliorating the situation. By embracing a more empathetic and professional approach towards their employees, employers can create a positive work environment that fosters motivation, dedication, and loyalty among the youth. Fair compensation, recognition, work-life balance, transparent agreements, skill development, and open communication are vital components of a successful and thriving employer-employee relationship. It is time for the employers to take up this responsibility and contribute to the empowerment of the youth, ultimately benefiting both the individual employees and the nation as a whole.

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