
1st Pregnancy Symptoms and Precautions

Pregnancy is the process by which a woman carries a developing embryo or fetus within her uterus. It typically lasts for around 40 weeks, or nine months, from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period. During this time, the woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes to support the growth and development of the fetus.

Pregnancy begins when an egg, or ovum, is fertilized by a sperm. This usually occurs in the fallopian tubes, and the fertilized egg then travels down the tube and into the uterus. Once it reaches the uterus, it implants itself into the uterine lining or endometrium. At this point, the woman is considered to be pregnant.

The first trimester of pregnancy, which is the first three months, is a time of rapid change and development for the fetus. During this time, the fertilized egg grows into a ball of cells called a blastocyst, which eventually becomes the embryo. The embryo begins to develop into all the different body systems and organs, including the brain, heart, and limbs.

The second trimester, which is months four to six, is a time of continued growth and development for the fetus. During this time, the fetus begins to move and kick, and the mother may be able to feel these movements. The mother’s belly also grows as the fetus grows and develops.

The third trimester, which is months seven to nine, is a time of final preparations for the baby’s birth. During this time, the fetus continues to grow and develop, and the mother’s body also prepares for labor and delivery. The mother’s belly becomes larger and heavier, and the baby may drop lower in the pelvis in preparation for delivery.

Throughout pregnancy, it is important for the woman to receive proper care and follow her healthcare provider’s advice. This includes receiving regular prenatal care, which includes checkups and screenings to ensure the health of both the mother and the baby. Pregnant women should also pay attention to their diet and exercise habits and avoid activities that could harm the baby.

Pregnancy can be a time of excitement and joy, but it can also bring challenges and concerns. It is important for pregnant women to take care of themselves and seek support from loved ones and healthcare providers as needed. With proper care and support, pregnancy can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy are comprised:

Missed periods:

You might be pregnant if you’re in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of the expected menstrual cycle. As I missed my periods two weeks after the due date and then tested, and the result was positive. So here are the symptoms that I was facing and the next few months women usually experienced.

Tender, Swollen Breast:

In early pregnancy, the hormonal change increases the size of the breast. Hormones change the breast more sensitive and painful. This Discomfort decrease during 2nd or 3rd week of the pregnancy.

Nausea. with or without vomiting:

Morning sickness, Nausea, and sometimes vomiting occurs due to hormonal changes. Some women are lucky and don’t face vomiting throughout the pregnancy.

Increase in urination:

Due to the hormonal change in the body, our kidneys become more efficient. And we start drinking more water because of dryness in our bodies. This causes urination, and this is normal in early pregnancy. But if You feel some irritation and swelling, you should concern the physician.

fatigue(sleepiness and tiredness)

In the 1st 12 weeks, tiredness, nausea and emotional mood swings, and sadness transpires, which is normal in pregnancy, and the only treatment is to rest as much as possible.

Bloating :

In pregnancy, more progesterone forms in the body, which relaxes the muscles and slows down the digestive system. This allows the gas to build up and cause bloating.

Light spotting :

In early pregnancy, you might get some harmless bleeding. This occurs when the embryo plants itself in the wall of your womb.


In early pregnancy, you might experience mild uterine cramping. Headache and back pain also occurs in the early weeks. And sometimes, constipation also occurs due to the slow digestive system.

Food Aversion:

The hormonal change could affect the food you enjoy, particularly early in your pregnancy. You stop eating your favorite food.

Nasal Congestion:

In early pregnancy, the mucous membrane in your nose swells, drys out, and starts bleeding in your nose, and this is normal in early pregnancy.


As far as we concern, several physicians recommended us the following precautions and exercises :

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